Fort Benjamin Harrison - On and Off Base Information
Fort Benjamin Harrison Housing Information
Fort Benjamin Harrison (Ft.) Housing and Information:
Home to Defense Finance and Accounting Service—Indianapolis and several Army Reserve and Indiana National Guard units.
Founded in 1903, Fort Benjamin Harrison was mostly active during the two World Wars. Not only was Fort Harrison used to house POW's, it also trained Military Police and housed a Civilian Military Training Camp. Shortly after the war, in 1948 Fort Harrison became an Air Force base, although that was short lived, with the Army regaining control in 1950.
In 1996 Fort Benjamin Harrison was closed by the Base Realignment and Closure Commission. Although closed, and with many of the buildings torn down or repurposed, several Reserve and National Guard units, along with a commissary and PX, are still located at the base.
Base Location
9920 E 59th St Lawrence, IN 46216
lawrence, IN 46216