Fort Polk - On and Off Base Information
Fort Polk Housing Information
Fort Polk (Ft.) Housing and Information:
Location: Fort Polk & Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) is home to these Major Subordinate Commands (MSC’s). Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) includes the Combat Training Center, Operations Group; Power Projection/Units to include 4th Brigade/ 10th Mountain Division; 1st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB); 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH); 5th Aviation Battalion; 162nd Infantry Brigade; and our dedicated, competent MEDDAC and DENTAC professionals. All committed to excellence and trust. Close to our front gate are the towns of Leesville and DeRidder, respectively located in Vernon and Beauregard Parishes. Fort Polk sits about 45 miles from Alexandria and 70 miles from Lake Charles.
Cost of Living: Vernon Parish's cost of living is 25.39% lower than the U.S. average.
Base Operator: 337-531-2911/1110 or DSN 312-863-2911
Area Population: Vernon Parish: 47,380
Child Development Centers: The Fort Polk CDC provides care for children ages 6 weeks to 6 years of age. Programs include full day care, Before and After Kindergarten Care, Part Day Pre-School Program and Hourly Care. Main Office, Bldg.400. Phone: 337-531-1955/1956. FCC offers child care for children ages 4 weeks to 12 years, includes Full day, part day and hourly care, as well as extended care.
Schools: No DoDDS schools in Vernon or Beauregard Parishes. Two elementary schools on post run by Vernon Parish. Children of military families who reside on/off post may attend the South and North Polk Elementary schools, Vernon Elementary, Leesville, Pickering or DeRidder, depending upon where they live. All children in grades 5 - 12, residing both on and off-post, may attend schools in Vernon Parish or Beauregard Parish.
Housing: Privatized housing managed by Picerne Military Housing. Six neighborhoods, 2-5 bedroom homes, available for all ranks. Picerne Military Housing phone number: 337-537-5000. Residential Community Initiative (RCI) Office also manages two and three bedroom Jr. NCO Housing. The RCI office also manages a limited number of two-bedroom homes for Senior Bachelors in the grades E7-E9, Warrant Officers, and Officers. Contact the RCI office at 337-531-6000 for information about housing options in the Fort Polk area.
Base Location
1591 Bell Richard Avenue, Bldg 920
Fort Polk, LA 71459