Have you ever wondered how to find out which school boundaries are aligned to a specific address or neighborhood?Now you can find out with GreatSchools.org's School and District Boundaries Map
What this means is you can enter an address for any home and it will tell you exactly which schools are aligned to that address. This is fantastic for PCSing and house hunting when you are searching on the internet and don't have a clue which neighborhoods feed into which schools.
Here is a step by step instruction on how to use it:
#1 Go to GreatSchools.org, hover over Find A School, click on School and District Boundaries Map (find-a-school tool)
# 2 Enter in an address for school boundaries
For example, find a house you like and copy the address and paste into this box.
# 3 Select Elementary, Middle, or High School
#4 See what school boundaries are aligned to that address. Click on the school to do more research!
It's very easy and very useful, especially during the house hunting phase of a PCS!
Tip: Even if you don't have school aged children, homes aligned to good school districts usually have a higher resale or are easier to rent out. Happy House Hunting!
(Check out our list of useful websites for the house hunting phase.)
What tips do you use to find schools for your military family?