
I know a lot of families who have their children in music classes and it's a great way for kids to explore and learn music. Here are a few ideas of places to start looking for a new private instructor or group classes. If you are looking for music lessons for kids in Pensacola, I LOVE Kindermusik classes . I first went a Kindermusik class when I was a nanny many years ago. The children loved the class because of Kindermusik’s great interactive staff. Nothing is more fun that parent and child class where you’re exploring music and meeting new people! Pensacola Kids Jam, LLC (Kindermusik) Class... read more

Everyone always refers to Fort Leonard Wood as Fort Lost in the Woods , and rightfully so. Until we actually got here, I really didn’t believe all the hype. My husband had been stationed here for training a few years back and I would occasionally fly in on the weekends to visit him. I always thought it was a nice area. Maybe not a ton to do, but it was survivable. Fast forward three and a half years, and two kids later. We’re now at Fort Leonard Wood full-time. I stay home with the girls while hubs goes to work. I no longer get to fly out once the weekend is over and now I have two little one... read more

I love Colorado Springs. It’s my hometown, and in my opinion, being stationed there is amazing. You’re at the front door of the Rocky Mountains, in the state with the lowest obesity rate in the country (CBS News), with great schools and a fabulous area to raise a family. However, PCS’ing can tug on those wallet-strings, so if you’re new to the Springs, here are some ideas to get your kiddos out and about for free! Activities in Colorado Springs Tour the Olympic Training Center Colorado Springs is home to the Olympic Training center, the facilities that train our go-for-gold athletes. Where be... read more

Flying Space A Part 2 (read Part 1 ) Personal Tips & Lessons Learned for Flying Space A 1. Be flexible and prepared! If you don't get on a flight the first day try again the next day! Be prepared to stay overnight in a hotel or drive home and try again the next day. Know hotels around the area you cannot sleep in the Air Mobility Command Passenger Terminals. 2. Utilize Military Amenities! Most of the AMC Passenger Terminals also have a USO and family rooms or play areas. Use them and thank those USO volunteers! 3. Facebook Passenger Terminal Pages Like the various Facebook Passenger Terminal... read more

Flying Space A Part 1 (read Part 2 ) My active duty husband, our three kids, and I recently flew Space A from Dover Air Force Base, Delaware to Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany. This was our Amazing Adventure to Germany and Austria! One of my absolute favorite parts of this trip was flying Space A! I have put together some steps to help others be able to fly Space A. Our Ride to Germany! Air Force C17 What is Space A? To fly Space A which stands for 'Space Available' is the civilian equivalent of flying standby. The Air Force's Air Mobility Command (AMC) allows military members and their fam... read more