Things to know before moving to Ft. Meade, Annapolis, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Ft Derrick or surrounding bases: You need a realtor to help look for houses to rent or buy. The property market moves fast here. Make sure your realtor has licenses for Virginia, DC, and Maryland. Find a recommendedREALTOR from other military families. Find out if the house has public utilities or septic tank and well water. This can make a big difference when power goes out with a hurricane or Nor’easter storms. In Maryland, HOAs are the norm for the state. Some areas may not have any fees and others can have yea... read more
Blog Posts for Fort Meade NSA in Moving Tips

Have you ever dreamed of living in the 1950s? Fantasized about a neighborhood full of children for your children to play with, where your doorbell rings and neighborhood kids are asking if your kids can come out and play? It's all possible in these amazing DC suburbs in Alexandria, Virginia. Waynewood, Collingwood on The Potomac, Plymouth Haven, Riverside Gardens, and Stratford Landing are five amazing Alexandria neighborhoods to live in. In our house, it's not the doorbell that is ringing, it is the mail slot being opened and kids yelling through it to see if my kids are home. Neighbors can ... read more
When we received our orders for The Pentagon I began to search for a place to live . Needless to say the house search was overwhelming! Washington DC and its surrounding suburbs are huge! How was one Navy wife supposed to figure this out? Luckily I had a dear friend who was able to help me out. You need a friend too and today is your lucky day because I'm introducing you to Catherine Jouet . Meet Catherine: A True Military Friendly Realtor in DC Catherine is a local realtor who used to live in Washington DC and she and her family now reside in Alexandria. Catherine is also my own real estate ... read more