Photos of Neighborhoods in Virginia Beach 23451& 23452 These two zip codes include some fantastic neighborhoods that are centrally located to NAS Oceana, Norfolk Naval Base, and other surrounding bases. Some of the best schools in Virginia Beach are aligned to these zip codes. If you want to live close to the Oceanfront then Shadowlawn & Salt Marsh Point are great neighborhoods. One of my favorite neighborhoods, which is like a hidden secret only the locals know about, is Kings Grant neighborhood. It's located off Little Neck Road and the area is known as Little Neck. Most military families w... read more
Blog Posts for Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base
Photos of Neighborhoods in Norfolk, VA Whether you are stationed atNorfolk Naval Base (NOB),Portsmouth Naval Hospital,NAS Oceana, orPortsmouth Shipyards, there are a lot of fun areas to visit while living in Hampton Roads. If you are PCSing to Hampton Roads soon, you might want to check out these different areas when house hunting. Lots of military families who live off base in Norfolk live near these great landmarks. Photos of Lafayette Shores, Winona, Ghent, W. Ghent, Freemason, Colonial Place, Larchmont, Riverpoint, Talbot Park, and East Beach. -> click here to view photosof Norfolk ... read more

The city of Norfolk is made up of a diverse population. There are pockets of really nice neighborhoods, along with pockets of not so safe areas. Norfolk is known for its old historic colonial style homes. Norfolk definitely has a different look than Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and other areas. It has a lot of charm. Norfolk also has a bustling downtown area with skyscrapers, McAurthur shopping mall, and lots of restaurants. Granby Street is the main street in downtown Norfolk that has shops, restaurants, and bars. During the day, it’s a great place to shop at MacArthur Mall then grab a bite to... read more
PCSing to Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake or any of the surrounding areas, read this newly released report showing all Virginia Beach Public Schools are nationally ranked for the year 2014. VIRGINIA BEACH SCHOOLS RANKINGS The Washington Post released Monday its annual list of the most challenging U.S. public high schools and all 11 Virginia Beach City Public Schools' (VBCPS) high schools earned a spot . VBCPS is the only division in Hampton Roads to have all of its high schools rank in the top 9 percent of the near 22,000 public high schools in the nation. According to The Washington Post... read more

As a military spouse, I know schools can be the biggest factor on where to live in a military town. I came across the Washington's Post High School Challenge, where they rank schools nationwide. I thought this would be helpful to those who are moving to the Hampton Roads area, which consists of Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Hampton, and Newport News. The Washington Post's High School Challenge ranks the schools based off the total number of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Advanced International Certificate of Education tests given at a school ea... read more