Blog Posts in "Military Families"

Did you know that moving is the third most stressful life event that a person will ever experience? This speaks volumes about the stress related to moving. And if you are in the military, or a member of a military family, military moving is all the more stressful. There are several factors that can make military moving more challenging than civilian moves. First of all, the move is not usually the choice of the military family, but is an order handed down from superiors. Thus, the soldier and his or her family usually have no say in the matter. Furthermore, military families will be forced to... read more

Let's be honest, the best part of a deployment is the day they return home and there's nothing better than having a "Welcome Home" banner flying in front of your home. It makes your service member feel loved, missed, and appreciated. From my personal experience, my husband was a bit overwhelmed when he got home from deployment so he didn't say much, but I know he loved the sign. It also was nice for the neighbors to see it and know how much he had sacrificed for our country. 3 years ago when my husband deployed, I couldn't find an economical sign. Everything I looked at cost over $100 and I w... read more

Flying Space A Part 2 (read Part 1 ) Personal Tips & Lessons Learned for Flying Space A 1. Be flexible and prepared! If you don't get on a flight the first day try again the next day! Be prepared to stay overnight in a hotel or drive home and try again the next day. Know hotels around the area you cannot sleep in the Air Mobility Command Passenger Terminals. 2. Utilize Military Amenities! Most of the AMC Passenger Terminals also have a USO and family rooms or play areas. Use them and thank those USO volunteers! 3. Facebook Passenger Terminal Pages Like the various Facebook Passenger Terminal... read more

Flying Space A Part 1 (read Part 2 ) My active duty husband, our three kids, and I recently flew Space A from Dover Air Force Base, Delaware to Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany. This was our Amazing Adventure to Germany and Austria! One of my absolute favorite parts of this trip was flying Space A! I have put together some steps to help others be able to fly Space A. Our Ride to Germany! Air Force C17 What is Space A? To fly Space A which stands for 'Space Available' is the civilian equivalent of flying standby. The Air Force's Air Mobility Command (AMC) allows military members and their fam... read more

*** Military Town Advisor is a website with neighborhood reviews , military housing reviews , and much more. It has everything you need to know before you PCS to a new town.*** Deployment Countdown: 275...100...25...1...1/2 hour The first thing we spouses do as soon as our active duty loved ones leave is start the deployment countdown. It's hard to use a physical calendar when dates are always changing - you need a lot of whiteout. When my husband deployed, my kids would always ask how many more days until Daddy would be home. It's hard for kids to grasp such a large number of days when they ... read more