Whether it's a scorching summer, blistering winter or you're like me and don't like plain water, these flavored water recipes that you can make at home are delicious. My obsession began a few years ago at a spa when I was offered cucumber water -- I've been hooked ever since. There are endless options for flavored water / fruit-infused water recipes. 4 favorite flavored water recipes I made these for a bridal shower and they were such a success that I'm making them consistently at home. There are no real measurements, just wing it and do what you think is right. Seriously, you really can't me... read more
Blog Posts in "Other"
We know that military wives put their families before themselves. A few, great military spouse bloggers teamed up with us to give one lucky lady a $100 Sephora Gift Card. Sure, we could've picked a Visa Gift Card, but we didn't want you to go and pay bills or treat someone else. It's time to treat YOU. So enter to win on the Rafflecopter widget below and on your way down there, get to know these other awesome military spouse bloggers! Military Spouse Bloggers Erin, Navy Wife Deployment Diatribes | Facebook | Twitter Erin is a parenting coach, writer, academic writing coach, Navy wife and mom ... read more
Military spouses often face the challenge of finding employment every few years after a PCS move. For some spouses, extra income or “fun money” is all they need. Sometimes stay-at-home moms enjoy having a small at-home business to earn extra income and to get out of the house for more socializing and adult time. From direct sales to starting a small business,opportunitiesare endless. MilPrenuers: militaryentrepreneursare the result of dedication and PCS frustration. CHECK OUT STACIE'S PROFILE ON MILITARY TOWN ADVISOR Stacie Watts,REALTOR The Real Estate Group 1112-F Eden Way N Chesapeake, VA ... read more
What family doesn't love a good military discount? In 2001, Terrance Thomas, a Navy Veteran felt the same way when he co-founded the Military and Veterans Discount Center (MVDC). His vision was to create a place where military families, active or veteran, could find great military discounts. After having a bad experience and hassling with AT&T over their advertised discount, he felt it was necessary to help other military families learn about offered discounts and have documentation to receive the discounts. Military and Veterans Discount Center (MVDC) has the largest collection of military a... read more
*** Military Town Advisor is a website with neighborhood reviews , military housing reviews , and much more. It has everything you need to know before you PCS to a new town.*** Deployment Countdown: 275...100...25...1...1/2 hour The first thing we spouses do as soon as our active duty loved ones leave is start the deployment countdown. It's hard to use a physical calendar when dates are always changing - you need a lot of whiteout. When my husband deployed, my kids would always ask how many more days until Daddy would be home. It's hard for kids to grasp such a large number of days when they ... read more