Dr Russell Soon, DDS 1

Doctors: Dentist (adult, child, both)

Military Discounts & Incentives

  • Military Discount: Yes
  • Military Incentives: Check with him: works with you
  • Services: General Dentistry

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Dr Russell Soon, DDS Reviews

Marine Corps
50-60 years old
Previously lived in: Oceanside, 29 Palms, Okinawa, Charlottesville
Bronze medal

I've been taking our family (2 adults and 4 children) to Dr Soon since we moved to the Murrieta/Temecula area in 2004, and he and his staff are great. He went to USC dental school and is originally from Hawaii. He has 3 grown sons, and he and his staff do great for us. They work with us on Delta Dental. He even told me one time, "I could charge you $300 for a mouth guard, or you could get one for $2 at the store, see if that works," and it did! Highly recommend.

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