Jacksonville Beaches: Off Base Area of Town


"South Jax Beach-Short Commute to Mayport"

We live in South Jacksonville Beach. We love this area of Jacksonville because we are 20-25 minutes from Mayport and very close to JTB (Butler BLVD) which is a main highway and takes you to 95 and 295. You can take back roads to base and it's an easy commute. We live right behind a huge park, "South Beach Park." It's a great place for kids to play, to work out, play tennis, walk the dog, picnic, etc. We are 15 minutes from "The Town Center" and of course the main attraction, the beach, is just a few blocks. Target, Publix, Bed Bath&Beyond, Pier1 and World Market are just a few blocks as well. We are considered Duval county still so the schools are not as great as St. Johns.We are 1 mile from St. JOhns/Ponte Vedra Beach.

  • Family Friendly:
  • Pet Friendly: Yes
  • Recommended: Yes
  • How would you describe this Area of Town: parks and recreation, neighborhood, outdoor activities
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Gold medal 28 reviews


We lived on the beach and loved this area. Neighborhoods in St. John’s county and Ponte Vedra have amazing homes. It’s a nice place to live. We have moved overseas but we miss it so much and will now come back to retire in Jacksonville. Just a beautiful town to live in and the people are super friendly.

  • Family Friendly:
  • Pet Friendly: Yes
  • Recommended: Yes

Local Favorites

  • Restaurants: Salt life
  • Shopping: St. John’s town center
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20-30 years old
Previously lived in: Baton Rouge, LA & Annapolis, MD
Bronze medal 6 reviews

"Great place to live"

Great area to live in and still close to other great areas of Jacksonville! There is always something to do around here - spend the day at the beach, walk and shop around the beaches town center, rent bicycles, go kayaking, explore endless restaurants, etc.

  • Family Friendly:
  • Pet Friendly: Yes
  • Recommended: Yes

Local Favorites

  • Restaurants: Salt Life
  • Shopping: Town Center
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