Hammond Hills: Off Base Area of Town

Army, Officer
30-40 years old
Previously lived in: West Point, NY-- Auburn, AL-- Ft. Hood, TX-- Ft. Gordon, GA-- Ft. Stewart, GA
1 review

Patuxent Springs and Hammond Hills in the Howard County portion of Laurel, MD is a lovely area! The homes are generous sized, the schools are all rated 9s and 10s by GreatSchools.org and the neighborhoods are established and friendly! The neighbors are all professionals who take care of their homes and each other. There are a lot of shops nearby, 3 grocery stores, over a dozen eateries in the immediate area. Lots of places of worship in various denominations with at least 8 churches in 5 mile radius. Traffic is never an issue in this area! Just south of Columbia on 29 near APL, just off I-95 and about ~12 miles from Ft. Meade/ NSA. We loved the area so much we bought our home!

  • Family Friendly:

Price: N/A

  • Pet Friendly: Yes
  • Recommended: Yes
  • How would you describe this Area of Town: Outdoor Activities, Locals Spot, Shopping, Restaurant and Bars, Parks and Recreation, Night Life
  • Recommendations: Classy neighborhood with old time feel of neighbors. Upscale Maple Lawn right next door, but you're not living on top of each other! Great townhomes, condos, and 1/2 acre lot homes in all price ranges here. AMAZING schools! VERY close to Johns Hopkins/ APL, and just minutes to Ft. Meade/ NSA. As a military family, I rarely shop on post b/c I love our neighborhood area so much! Better quality of life!

Local Favorites

  • Restaurants: Ran Azul, Venegas Prime Filet, J&P Italian, Sidamo Cafe, sushi, subs...
  • Happy Hour Spot: Looney's Pub
  • Gym / Fitness: Lifetime Fitness (Columbia)
  • Shopping: Harris Teeter, Food Lion, Weis, Boarman's Meat Market
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