Military Friendly REALTOR

MTA Approved
Mark and Bridgett Miller

Mark and Bridgett Miller


Cell Phone: (270) 300-6718
Website: http://www.TeamMiller.REALTOR

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About Mark and Bridgett Miller

Our mission is to help you by assisting in the largest purchase of your life!  We are U.S. Army Retired and work as a true team - you get 2 agents to service your real estate needs. The Army was serious about training for a successful mission and we routinely exceed the state requirement for education and have achieved numerous industry designations such as Accredited Buyers Representatives (ABR), Certified Residential Specialists (CRS), Graduates Realtor Institute (GRI), and Military Relocation Professional (MRP) to better serve our clients with knowledge and experience.  Looking for that "best deal" and money back from your agent? We are the local Realtor representatives for with one of the best rebate programs to Thank YOU for your service.  "Did I choose the right REALTOR?" should not be one of your questions at the closing!


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