Anchorage Christian Schools

Anchorage, AK 99504

Phone: (907) 337-9575
Fax: (907) 338-3903


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-12 • 711 students

Anchorage Christian Schools is a private school in Anchorage, Alaska. It is coed and Baptist affiliated, serving 711 students in grades PK-12.

Anchorage Christian Schools is a private school in the school district located in Anchorage, AK. The principal of Anchorage Christian Schools is Thomas Cobaugh.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 50.1%
Native American or Native Alaskan 23.5%
Multiracial 7.9%
Hispanic 6.4%
Asian/Pacific Islander 6.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 3.6%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2.4%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 40.4%
English learners 11%

Army, Enlisted
30-40 years old
Previously lived in: fort meade, virginia beach, camp zama, grafenwoehr, fort richardson
Gold medal


This school is located off of Northern Lights Blvd. It is in a fairly good location of town as it is right across from a good neighborhood. Directly by it is Cheney Lake where people go to walk and feed geese during the summer and ice skate in the winter. The school does need some updating inside but the teaching staff is good and they provide a good education for their students. You will be paying admission fees to have your child go to this school.

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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Cheney Housing Area Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 0.4 mi
2 Airport Heights Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 1.9 mi
3 Rogers Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 3 mi
4 Spruce Mobile Home Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 3.6 mi
5 Elmendorf Housing Area Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 4.3 mi
6 Westbury Drive Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 4.9 mi
7 Scenic Way in Downtown Anchorage Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 5.4 mi
8 Turnagain Housing Area Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 5.9 mi
9 Spenard Housing Area Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 5.9 mi
10 Fort Richardson Housing Area Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 6.4 mi
11 Huffman Housing Area Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 6.4 mi
12 Strawberry Lane Apartment Homes Neighborhood/Subdivision Anchorage AK 7 mi
13 Eagle Pointe Neighborhood/Subdivision Eagle River AK 9.6 mi
14 The Bluffs at The Ranch Neighborhood/Subdivision Wasilla AK 28.2 mi
15 Wasilla Alaska Neighborhood/Subdivision Wasilla AK 29.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Boniface anchorage AK 0.8 mi
2 Girdwood Girdwood AK 33.9 mi
Base Distance
Elmendorf AFB 4.1 mi.
Fort Richardson 4.5 mi.
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