Pioneer Elementary School

Hanford, CA 93230-9677

Phone: (559) 584-8831
Fax: (559) 584-7409
District: Pioneer Union Elementary


GreatSchools Rating

charter • Grades K-5 • 591 students

Hanford's Pioneer Elementary School is a charter elementary school. It has received a GreatSchools rating of 7 out of 10 based on its performance on state standardized tests.

Pioneer Elementary School is a charter school in the Pioneer Union Elementary school district located in Hanford, CA. The principal of Pioneer Elementary School is Sharon Cronk. As of 2015, the students are 42.6% Hispanic; 42.3% White, non-Hispanic; 5.8% Black, non-Hispanic; 3.9% Asian; 2% Filipino; 1.5% Multiracial; 0.8% Pacific Islander; and 0.8% Native American or Native Alaskan. 38.1% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program. 9.1% of students are english learners.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Hispanic 42.6%
White, non-Hispanic 42.3%
Black, non-Hispanic 5.8%
Asian 3.9%
Filipino 2%
Multiracial 1.5%
Pacific Islander 0.8%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.8%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 38.1%
English learners 9.1%


Good teachers. Great environment. Responsive administration. All of California is struggling financially, so class sizes have crept up. Our kids have attended elementary and middle school here and love it. I think perhaps the curriculum and standards are a bit higher other places we've lived (only reason I didn't rate Pioneer 5 stars), but Pioneer is unbeatable for this area. We have been very happy here and highly recommend Pioneer to anybody living in the vicinity of Naval Air Station Lemoore.

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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Centennial Place Apartments Apartment Complex Hanford CA 1.7 mi
2 Cambridge Homes Area of Town Hanford CA 1.8 mi
3 Silver Oaks Neighborhood/Subdivision Hanford CA 2 mi
4 Stonecrest Neighborhood/Subdivision Hanford CA 3.4 mi
5 Edgewater Isle Apartments Apartment Complex Hanford CA 3.8 mi
6 Atherton Neighborhood/Subdivision Lemoore CA 4 mi
7 Avalon Area Neighborhood/Subdivision Lemoore CA 4.8 mi
8 The Greens Neighborhood/Subdivision Hanford CA 4.8 mi
9 Pine Castle Neighborhood/Subdivision Hanford CA 4.8 mi
10 Lemoore Country Club Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Lemoore CA 5.5 mi
11 College Park Apartment Homes Apartment Complex Lemoore CA 5.7 mi
12 Freedom Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Lemoore CA 10.3 mi
13 un named Neighborhood/Subdivision Fresno CA 35.8 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Centennial Dr Hanford CA 1.7 mi
2 11th & Fargo Hanford CA 3.5 mi
3 Island District Lemoore CA 8 mi
4 Visalia Visalia CA 23.2 mi
Base Distance
Lemoore NAS 13.3 mi.
Fresno National Guard 29.9 mi.
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