Grizzly Challenge Charter School

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405-7605

Phone: (805) 782-6882
Fax: (805) 594-6341
District: San Luis Obispo County Office Of Education


GreatSchools Rating

charter • Grades 10-12 • 229 students

Grizzly Challenge Charter School, located in San Luis Obispo, California, is a charter high school.

Grizzly Challenge Charter School is a charter school in the San Luis Obispo County Office Of Education school district located in San Luis Obispo, CA. The principal of Grizzly Challenge Charter School is Paul Piette. As of 2015, the students are 71.2% Hispanic; 19.7% White, non-Hispanic; 3.5% Multiracial; 3.1% Black, non-Hispanic; 0.9% Filipino; 0.9% Native American or Native Alaskan; 0.4% Pacific Islander; and 0.4% Asian. 69% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program. 22.3% of students are english learners.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Hispanic 71.2%
White, non-Hispanic 19.7%
Multiracial 3.5%
Black, non-Hispanic 3.1%
Filipino 0.9%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.9%
Pacific Islander 0.4%
Asian 0.4%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 69%
English learners 22.3%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Arbor Ridge Apartments Apartment Complex Santa Maria CA 31.7 mi
2 Santa Maria Neighborhood/Subdivision Santa Maria CA 31.8 mi
3 Orcutt Neighborhood/Subdivision Orcutt CA 35.7 mi
4 Vandenberg Family Housing Neighborhood/Subdivision Vandenberg Air Force Base CA 41.1 mi
5 Los Alamos Neighborhood/Subdivision Los Alamos CA 47.4 mi
6 Lompoc Neighborhood/Subdivision Lompoc CA 49.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Paso Robles Paso Robles CA 21.7 mi
Base Distance
Vandenberg AFB 41.2 mi.
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