Peak To Peak Mountain Charter

Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222

Phone: (661) 364-3811
District: Maricopa Unified School District


GreatSchools Rating

charter • Grades K-7 • 94 students

Pine Mountain Club's Peak To Peak Mountain Charter is a charter school that serves grades K-7. It has received a GreatSchools rating of 6 out of 10 based on its performance on state standardized tests.

Peak To Peak Mountain Charter is a charter school in the Maricopa Unified School District located in Pine Mountain Club, CA. The principal of Peak To Peak Mountain Charter is Mindy Moffatt. As of 2015, the students are 66% White, non-Hispanic; 17% Multiracial; and 17% Hispanic. 28.7% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 66%
Multiracial 17%
Hispanic 17%
Pacific Islander
Native American or Native Alaskan
Black, non-Hispanic

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 28.7%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Santa Ynez Neighborhood/Subdivision Santa Ynez CA 45.2 mi
2 RiverPark Neighborhood/Subdivision Oxnard CA 45.4 mi
3 Del Prado Town Homes Neighborhood/Subdivision Camarillo CA 47.5 mi
4 Foothill Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Camarillo CA 47.8 mi
5 Camarillo Neighborhood/Subdivision Camarillo CA 48.3 mi
6 Hollywood Beach Neighborhood/Subdivision Oxnard CA 49.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 East Bakersfield Bakersfield CA 40.2 mi
2 Ventura Ventura CA 42.6 mi
3 Oxnard Oxnard CA 48.3 mi
4 Central Camarillo Camarillo CA 48.3 mi
5 Solvang Solvang CA 48.7 mi

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