
Idyllwild, CA 92549-0097

Phone: (951) 659-0750
Fax: (951) 659-0757
District: Hemet Unified


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades K-8 • 323 students

Idyllwild is a public school that serves grades K-8 in the Hemet Unified district. It has received a GreatSchools Rating of 7 out of 10, based on its performance on state standardized tests.

Idyllwild is a public school in the Hemet Unified school district located in Idyllwild, CA. The principal of Idyllwild is Matt Kraemer. As of 2015, the students are 61% White, non-Hispanic; 30.3% Hispanic; 4% Multiracial; 2.2% Asian; 1.2% Black, non-Hispanic; 0.6% Native American or Native Alaskan; and 0.3% Pacific Islander. 57.3% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program. 10.5% of students are english learners.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 61%
Hispanic 30.3%
Multiracial 4%
Asian 2.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 1.2%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.6%
Pacific Islander 0.3%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 57.3%
English learners 10.5%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Redhawk Neighborhood/Subdivision Temecula CA 28.5 mi
2 Shafter Avenue Neighborhood/Subdivision Yucca valley CA 29.4 mi
3 Amberwalk Townhomes Neighborhood/Subdivision Murrieta CA 30.7 mi
4 The Ranchos Neighborhood/Subdivision Murrieta CA 31.5 mi
5 Murray Lane Neighborhood/Subdivision Yucca valley CA 32 mi
6 Copper Canyon Neighborhood/Subdivision Murrieta CA 32.2 mi
7 Turtle Rock Neighborhood/Subdivision Twentynine Palms CA 47.7 mi
8 Montecito village apartments Apartment Complex Oceanside CA 48.9 mi
9 St. Cloud Condominium/Townhouse Oceanside CA 48.9 mi
10 Shadowridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Vista CA 49.1 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Murrieta, California Murrieta CA 26 mi
2 Murrieta Murrieta CA 27.6 mi
3 Temecula, California Temecula CA 27.7 mi
4 West Side murrieta CA 31.3 mi
5 Lake Rancho Viejo Fallbrook CA 37.6 mi
6 Smoke Tree Twentynine Palms CA 45.3 mi
Base Distance
March Air Reserve Base 32.1 mi.
Camp Pendleton 47 mi.
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