Olympic View Elementary School

Chula Vista, CA 91915-2127

Phone: (619) 656-2030
Fax: (619) 656-8752
District: Chula Vista Elementary School District


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades K-6 • 833 students

Chula Vista's Olympic View Elementary School serves grades K-6 in the Chula Vista Elementary School District. It is among the few public elementary schools in California to receive a distinguished GreatSchools Rating of 9 out of 10.

Olympic View Elementary School is a public school in the Chula Vista Elementary School District located in Chula Vista, CA. The principal of Olympic View Elementary School is Gloria McKearney. As of 2015, the students are 52.3% Hispanic; 17.4% White, non-Hispanic; 14.3% Filipino; 5.6% Multiracial; 5.3% Asian; 4.2% Black, non-Hispanic; 0.5% Pacific Islander; and 0.1% Native American or Native Alaskan. 29.5% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program. 28.8% of students are english learners.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Hispanic 52.3%
White, non-Hispanic 17.4%
Filipino 14.3%
Multiracial 5.6%
Asian 5.3%
Black, non-Hispanic 4.2%
Pacific Islander 0.5%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.1%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 29.5%
English learners 28.8%

Navy, O-4
30-40 years old
Previously lived in: Bloomsburg,PA;Bath,ME;Prescott Valley,AZ;Jacksonville,FL;Enid,OK;San Diego,CA;Chula Vista,CA
Bronze medal


This school has been truly wonderful for my youngest child. He's GATE and the school offers a lot of classes that he can choose from to enrich his life and explore new opportunities. The school also has 2 sports teams which they are proud to support. Olympic View staff are friendly and will work with the parent if any conflicts arise and the teachers have been helpful in working with my child to work to his full potential.

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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Eastlake Greens Neighborhood/Subdivision Chula Vista CA 0.7 mi
2 Cottage Lane Neighborhood/Subdivision Chula Vista CA 0.8 mi
3 Eastlake Windingwalk Neighborhood/Subdivision Chula Vista CA 0.8 mi
4 The Summit at Eastlake Neighborhood/Subdivision Chula Vista CA 1 mi
5 Eastlake Vistas Neighborhood/Subdivision Chula Vista CA 1.3 mi
6 Otay Ranch Neighborhood/Subdivision Chula Vista CA 1.4 mi
7 Heritage at Otay Ranch Neighborhood/Subdivision Chula Vista CA 2.3 mi
8 Jackson Pointe Townhomes Condominium/Townhouse Spring Valley CA 6 mi
9 Jackson Pointe Townhomes Condominium/Townhouse Spring Valley CA 6 mi
10 Lakeview Village Apartments Apartment Complex Spring Valley CA 6.8 mi
11 Legacy Walk Condominium/Townhouse San Diego CA 9.1 mi
12 City Heights Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 10.8 mi
13 Del Cerro Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 11.8 mi
14 Canyon Run Apartments Apartment Complex El Cajon CA 12 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Otay Ranch Chula Vista CA 1.1 mi
2 Bonita Chula Vista CA 2.5 mi
3 West Chula Vista Chula Vista CA 6.3 mi
4 Eastlake of Chula Vista Chula Vista CA 7 mi
5 Rancho San Diego El Cajon CA 7.9 mi
6 East County of San Diego La Mesa CA 9.8 mi
7 El Cajon El Cajon CA 11 mi
8 Del Cerro San Diego CA 12 mi
9 North Park San Diego CA 12.1 mi
10 Kensington San Diego CA 12.3 mi
11 Gaslamp Quarter San Diego CA 12.6 mi
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