Pacific Beach Middle School

San Diego, CA 92109

Phone: (858) 273-9070
Fax: (858) 270-8063
District: San Diego Unified School District


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades 6-8 • 585 students

San Diego's Pacific Beach Middle School serves grades 6-8 in the San Diego Unified School District. It is among the few public middle schools in California to receive a distinguished GreatSchools Rating of 8 out of 10.

Pacific Beach Middle School is a public school in the San Diego Unified School District located in San Diego, CA. The principal of Pacific Beach Middle School is Principal Kimberly Meng. As of 2015, the students are 51.8% Hispanic; 37.2% White, non-Hispanic; 5.2% Multiracial; 2.2% Black, non-Hispanic; 1.5% Asian; 0.9% Filipino; 0.7% Native American or Native Alaskan; and 0.5% Pacific Islander. 54.2% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program. 14.5% of students are english learners.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Hispanic 51.8%
White, non-Hispanic 37.2%
Multiracial 5.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 2.2%
Asian 1.5%
Filipino 0.9%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.7%
Pacific Islander 0.5%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 54.2%
English learners 14.5%

40-50 years old
Previously lived in: Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Herndon, San Diego
Bronze medal


Pacific Beach Middle is .8 miles away from the Pacific Ocean. This town is fantastically family oriented and it shows through all the community sponsors and activities at the schools. Pacific Beach Middle is the only middle school for Pacific Beach.

  • Recommendations: I am not familiar enough with other public middle schools in San Diego to recommend them. If I were to look at private schools I would look at Bishop's, Francis Parker, and La Jolla Country Day. Although they are pricey, scholarships are available.
  • Website:
  • What did you like? My most favorite thing about Pacific Beach Middle is the music program. The orchestra/band director won San Diego Unified 2017 Instrumental Music Teacher of the Year. He is enthusiastic, knowledgeable, encouraging, and my daughter says he makes playing music fun. My daughter plays viola in Advanced Orchestra and I'm so glad she enjoys music.
  • What did you dislike? PBM does not have busses or air conditioning or a grand assortment of after school activities. Although there are not a heavy array of clubs, there is a seventh period students can choose to take an extra elective where everyone else can elect to leave after sixth period. It makes picking up more than one child cumbersome, but most days it's sunny San Diego and my kids walk home.
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Navy, Officer
30-40 years old
Bronze medal


This school has great potential, however I did not give it a good rating because of negative student behavior and lack of supervision of students. Its an IB School with wonderful academics and a community service oriented program. There are many clubs to participate in and they even have several afterschool sports programs(which is rare). It is located in Pacific Beach which is an interesting mix between families and college kids.

  • What did you like? I was very impressed with the fact that it was an IB School and that the curriculum seems adequate and diverse. There are many clubs to participate in and they have afterschool sports programs. I like the fact that they encourage community service (in fact it is a requirement we have just discovered). They received a low API score (6) but I think the school has potential.
  • What did you dislike? I was a little disappointed in the initial upkeep of information on the website which led me to no longer rely on the website. I was also disappointed to find out half way through the year that community service hours were a requirement rather than optional. It would also be nice to have more school sponsored service opportunities posted regularly for students to participate in. I also wish that the teachers would keep an updated webpage with current assignments and current grades. They just recently implemented a family access website which sends emails daily/weekly/etc. and reports how your student is doing, however this information is not kept current therefore if your student was missing assignments or falling behind, you would not find out until it was too late to remedy. We are used to receiving daily automated emails with real time assignments along with weekly emails from the teachers outlining the lessons for the upcoming week. This allows parents to be completely on top of their student's would be nice to have this here at Pacific Beach. There is also a negative element in the student population (as with any school), however the lack of supervision seems to allow for more questionable activities on school grounds. Overall I think this school has great potential. If you send your child here, it is best to be proactive and highly involved as much of the responsibility/accountability, organization, etc. is left up to the student. If your student is highly driven and focused academically I believe they will do well.
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Ocean Beach Apartment Complex San Diego CA 3.9 mi
2 Riverfront Condominium Rentals Apartment Complex San Diego CA 5.4 mi
3 Mission Hills Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 5.6 mi
4 Spectrum Center Blvd, Kearny Mesa Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 6.3 mi
5 The Heritage Apartment Complex San Diego CA 7.4 mi
6 Canyon View Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 7.8 mi
7 Apartment Apartment Complex Coronado CA 8.1 mi
8 City Heights Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 9.1 mi
9 Del Cerro Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 10.1 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 La Jolla La Jolla CA 3.6 mi
2 Loma Portal San Diego CA 4 mi
3 Old Town San Diego CA 4.1 mi
4 Old Town San Diego San Diego CA 4.4 mi
5 University City San Diego CA 4.5 mi
6 Mission Hills San Diego CA 5 mi
7 Serra Mesa San Diego CA 6.3 mi
8 Point Loma San Diego CA 6.7 mi
9 Broadway Pier San Diego CA 7.1 mi
10 Seaport Village San Diego CA 7.6 mi
11 North Park San Diego CA 7.7 mi
12 Gaslamp Quarter San Diego CA 7.8 mi
13 Kensington San Diego CA 8.2 mi
14 Coronado Coronado CA 8.6 mi
15 Del Cerro San Diego CA 10.3 mi
16 Mira Mesa San Diego CA 10.6 mi
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