Lillian Larsen Elementary School

San Miguel, CA 93451-9107

Phone: (805) 467-3216
Fax: (805) 467-3410
District: San Miguel Joint Union


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades K-8 • 352 students

Lillian Larsen Elementary School, located in San Miguel, California, serves grades K-8 in the San Miguel Joint Union district. Based on its state test results, it has received a GreatSchools Rating of 4 out of 10.

Lillian Larsen Elementary School is a public school in the San Miguel Joint Union school district located in San Miguel, CA. The principal of Lillian Larsen Elementary School is Judy Bedell. As of 2015, the students are 81.8% Hispanic; 14.2% White, non-Hispanic; 1.1% Pacific Islander; 1.1% Black, non-Hispanic; 0.6% Multiracial; 0.6% Filipino; and 0.3% Asian. 88.9% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program. 56% of students are english learners.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Hispanic 81.8%
White, non-Hispanic 14.2%
Pacific Islander 1.1%
Black, non-Hispanic 1.1%
Multiracial 0.6%
Filipino 0.6%
Asian 0.3%
Native American or Native Alaskan

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 88.9%
English learners 56%
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Base Distance
Fort Hunter Liggett 33.9 mi.
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