St. Therese Academy

San Diego, CA 92120

Phone: (619) 583-6270


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades K-8 • 286 students

San Diego's St. Therese Academy is a private school. It is coed and Roman Catholic affiliated, serving 286 students in grades K-8.

St. Therese Academy is a private school in the school district located in San Diego, CA. The principal of St. Therese Academy is Fr. Bruce Orsborn. As of 2014, the students are 43.5% Hispanic; 43.2% White, non-Hispanic; 7.4% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 6% Multiracial.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Hispanic 43.5%
White, non-Hispanic 43.2%
Asian/Pacific Islander 7.4%
Multiracial 6%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Black, non-Hispanic
Native American or Native Alaskan
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Del Cerro Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 1 mi
2 Canyon View Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 2.8 mi
3 City Heights Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 4.7 mi
4 Spectrum Center Blvd, Kearny Mesa Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 4.7 mi
5 Riverfront Condominium Rentals Apartment Complex San Diego CA 5.7 mi
6 Mission Hills Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 6.7 mi
7 Lakeview Village Apartments Apartment Complex Spring Valley CA 6.9 mi
8 Santee Villas Apartment Complex Santee CA 7 mi
9 Legacy Walk Condominium/Townhouse San Diego CA 7.1 mi
10 The Heritage Apartment Complex San Diego CA 7.4 mi
11 Canyon Run Apartments Apartment Complex El Cajon CA 7.5 mi
12 Jackson Pointe Townhomes Condominium/Townhouse Spring Valley CA 7.5 mi
13 Jackson Pointe Townhomes Condominium/Townhouse Spring Valley CA 7.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Del Cerro San Diego CA 0.5 mi
2 Kensington San Diego CA 3 mi
3 East County of San Diego La Mesa CA 3 mi
4 Serra Mesa San Diego CA 4 mi
5 North Park San Diego CA 5.1 mi
6 Santee Trolley Square Santee CA 5.7 mi
7 El Cajon El Cajon CA 6 mi
8 Santee Santee CA 6.1 mi
9 Mission Hills San Diego CA 7.5 mi
10 Gaslamp Quarter San Diego CA 7.9 mi
11 Old Town San Diego San Diego CA 8 mi
12 Old Town San Diego CA 8.2 mi
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