Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Elementary School

Carlsbad, CA 92008

Phone: (760) 729-6272


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades K-8 • 50 students

Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Elementary School is a private school in Carlsbad, California. It is coed and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod affiliated, serving 50 students in grades K-8.

Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Elementary School is a private school in the school district located in Carlsbad, CA. The principal of Beautiful Saviour Lutheran Elementary School is Mr. Dave Neujahr. As of 2017, the students are 68% White, non-Hispanic; 16% Black, non-Hispanic; 8% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 8% Multiracial.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 68%
Black, non-Hispanic 16%
Asian/Pacific Islander 8%
Multiracial 8%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American or Native Alaskan
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Palisades Pointe Neighborhood/Subdivision Carlsbad CA 1.3 mi
2 Mira Costa Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Oceanside CA 2.5 mi
3 St. Cloud Condominium/Townhouse Oceanside CA 4 mi
4 Montecito village apartments Apartment Complex Oceanside CA 4.1 mi
5 Windsor at Aviara Apartment Complex Carlsbad CA 5 mi
6 Shadowridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Vista CA 5.4 mi
7 La Costa Neighborhood/Subdivision Carlsbad CA 6.1 mi
8 Rancho Carrillo Neighborhood/Subdivision Carlsbad CA 6.6 mi
9 Torrey Highlands Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 17 mi
10 Whispering Winds Apartments Apartment Complex San Clemente CA 24.4 mi
11 Redhawk Neighborhood/Subdivision Temecula CA 24.9 mi
12 Spectrum Center Blvd, Kearny Mesa Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 26.2 mi
13 Canyon View Neighborhood/Subdivision San Diego CA 27.8 mi
14 Amberwalk Townhomes Neighborhood/Subdivision Murrieta CA 27.8 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Carlsbad Carlsbad CA 1.2 mi
2 Downtown Oceanside Oceanside CA 3.2 mi
3 Encinitas Encinitas CA 9.3 mi
4 Lake Rancho Viejo Fallbrook CA 15.3 mi
5 Torrey Highlands San Diego CA 17.1 mi
6 Mira Mesa San Diego CA 20.7 mi
7 La Jolla La Jolla CA 22.4 mi
8 University City San Diego CA 22.6 mi
9 Wine Country area of Scripps Ranch San Diego CA 23 mi
10 Downtown San Clemente CA 24.1 mi
11 Temecula, California Temecula CA 26.2 mi
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