Academy Of The Holy Family

Baltic, CT 06330

Phone: (860) 822-9272


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades 9-12 • 61 students

Academy Of The Holy Family is a private high school in Baltic, Connecticut. It is all female and Roman Catholic affiliated, serving 61 students in grades 9-12.

Academy Of The Holy Family is a private school in the school district located in Baltic, CT. As of 2012, the students are 57.4% White, non-Hispanic; 18% Hispanic; 14.8% Black, non-Hispanic; and 9.8% Asian/Pacific Islander.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 57.4% 61%
Hispanic 18% 20%
Black, non-Hispanic 14.8% 13%
Asian/Pacific Islander 9.8% 4%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native American or Native Alaskan
Multiracial 2%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 35%
English learners 5%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Thamesview Apartments Apartment Complex Norwich CT 7.6 mi
2 Cottonwood Lane Neighborhood/Subdivision Montville CT 11.5 mi
3 Gales Ferry Neighborhood/Subdivision Gales Ferry CT 12.9 mi
4 Quaker Hill Neighborhood/Subdivision Quaker Hill CT 14.8 mi
5 Spyglass Condominiums Condominium/Townhouse Groton CT 17.3 mi
6 The Ledges Apartment Complex Groton CT 18 mi
7 Mystic Neighborhood/Subdivision Mystic CT 19.1 mi
8 Noank Neighborhood/Subdivision Groton CT 20.1 mi
9 Pawcatuck Neighborhood/Subdivision Pawcatuck CT 20.8 mi
10 Toppa Blvd between Bliss/Kay Neighborhood/Subdivision Newport RI 41.6 mi
11 Slate Hill Farm Neighborhood/Subdivision Middletown RI 42.4 mi
12 Linden Street Neighborhood/Subdivision Bristol RI 42.7 mi
13 Paradise valley Neighborhood/Subdivision Middletown RI 43.1 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Lisbon Lisbon CT 4.1 mi
2 Norwich Norwich CT 7.3 mi
3 Ledyard Ledyard CT 12.4 mi
4 New London New London CT 18 mi
5 Waterford Waterford CT 18.2 mi
6 Groton Groton CT 18.4 mi
7 Stonington Stonington CT 21.5 mi
8 Westerly Westerly RI 21.5 mi
9 Jamestown Jamestown RI 38.1 mi
10 Downtown Newport Newport RI 41 mi
11 Bristol Bristol RI 42.6 mi
12 Middletown Middletown RI 42.9 mi
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