Bethune Middle School

Folkston, GA 31537

Phone: (912) 496-2596
District: Charlton County School District


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades 4-8 • 621 students

Bethune Middle School, located in Folkston, Georgia, serves grades 4-8 in the Charlton County School District. Based on its state test results, it has received a GreatSchools Rating of 4 out of 10.

Bethune Middle School is a public school in the Charlton County School District located in Folkston, GA. The principal of Bethune Middle School is Nora Nettles. As of 2014, the students are 62% White, non-Hispanic; 31.6% Black, non-Hispanic; and 5% Multiracial. 71.5% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 62% 65.4% 41.5%
Black, non-Hispanic 31.6% 28.2% 38.3%
Multiracial 5% 4.5% 3.2%
Hispanic 1.1% 13.2%
Asian 3.6%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.2%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 71.5% 71% 59%
English learners 7.2%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Laurel Island Plantation Neighborhood/Subdivision Kingsland GA 23.5 mi
2 Shadowlawn Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision St Marys GA 25.5 mi
3 Sugarmill Plantation Neighborhood/Subdivision St. Marys GA 25.6 mi
4 Sugarmill Plantation Neighborhood/Subdivision St Marys GA 25.7 mi
5 Crooked River Phase 2 Neighborhood/Subdivision Saint Marys GA 25.9 mi
6 Eagles Hammock Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville FL 34.7 mi
7 Isle de Mai Neighborhood/Subdivision Fernandina Beach FL 35.3 mi
8 Ocean View Neighborhood/Subdivision Fernandina Beach FL 35.9 mi
9 Reed Island Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville FL 41.5 mi
10 Kernan Forest Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville FL 44.7 mi
11 Waterleaf Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville FL 44.9 mi
12 Oakleaf Plantation Neighborhood/Subdivision Orange Park FL 45.7 mi
13 Spencers Plantation Neighborhood/Subdivision Orange Park FL 46.1 mi
14 Eagle Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Orange Park FL 46.3 mi
15 The Reserve at Wynnfield Lakes Apartment Complex Jacksonville FL 46.3 mi
16 Waterford at Orange Park Apartment Complex Orange Park FL 46.5 mi
17 Eagle Harbor Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville FL 46.7 mi
18 Highland Glen Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville FL 48.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 St. Marys, Kingsland, Kings Bay St. Marys GA 26.5 mi
2 Fernandina Beach Fernandina Beach FL 34.1 mi
3 Riverside Jacksonville FL 39.8 mi
4 Avondale Jacksonville FL 40 mi
5 San Marco Jacksonville FL 41.3 mi
6 Sandalwood Jacksonville FL 46.3 mi
7 Orange Park Orange Park FL 48.4 mi
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