Mokapu Elementary School

Kailua, HI 96734

Phone: (808) 254-7964
District: Hawaii Department Of Education


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades PK-6 & ungraded

Kailua's Mokapu Elementary School serves grades PK-6 & ungraded in the Hawaii Department Of Education district. It has received a GreatSchools Rating of 7 out of 10, based on its performance on state standardized tests.

Mokapu Elementary School is a public school in the Hawaii Department Of Education school district located in Kailua, HI. The students are 56.9% White, non-Hispanic; 22.6% Hispanic; 9.7% Black, non-Hispanic; 5.5% Multiracial; 3.4% Asian/Pacific Islander; 1.8% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and 0.1% Native American or Native Alaskan. 39.1% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 56.9% 14.3%
Hispanic 22.6% 8.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 9.7% 1.9%
Multiracial 5.5% 9.2%
Asian/Pacific Islander 3.4% 27.8%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1.8% 37.4%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.1% 0.5%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 39.1% 53.8%
English learners 14% 14%

Marine Corps, Officer
30-40 years old
Previously lived in: Pensacola, New Bern, Jacksonville (NC)
Bronze medal


Mokapu has made some positive changes over the past couple of years with the addition of a new principal, Dr. Fradley. He has an open door policy and is always very welcoming of feedback from parents. The school is older, most classrooms are open air with no air conditioning. (very common in Hawaii) They are very accommodating to the challenges that military families face.

  • Website:
  • What did you like? They have a lot of fun events for the kids and families. Lots of field trips and seem to be keeping up with the current technology with the addition of SMART boards. They put a lot of emphasis on STEM programs.
  • What did you dislike? No art classes in the standard curriculum. There is an after school art program that is available though, at an additional fee.
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Kailua/Lanikai Neighborhood/Subdivision Kailua HI 2.7 mi
2 Ka Malanai Condominium/Townhouse Kailua HI 3.7 mi
3 Enchanted Lake Area of Town Kailua HI 4.5 mi
4 Waena Apartments Apartment Complex Honolulu HI 11.4 mi
5 Aliamanu Military Reservation Neighborhood/Subdivision Honolulu HI 11.9 mi
6 Pacific Palisades Neighborhood/Subdivision Pearl City HI 13.1 mi
7 Fairway village Condominium/Townhouse Waipahu HI 16.2 mi
8 Ewa Beach Neighborhood/Subdivision Ewa Beach HI 18.6 mi
9 Ewa by Gentry Neighborhood/Subdivision Ewa Beach HI 19 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Kailua Kailua HI 3 mi
2 Kaneohe Kaneohe HI 4.4 mi
3 Waimanalo Beach Waimanalo HI 9 mi
4 Kaawa Area Kaawa HI 10.2 mi
5 Waialae Nui Ridge Honolulu HI 10.6 mi
6 Hawaii Kai Honolulu HI 10.7 mi
7 Kaimuki Honolulu HI 11.3 mi
8 Kakaako Honolulu HI 12.3 mi
9 Waikiki Honolulu HI 12.3 mi
10 Diamondhead - Monserrat Ave. Honolulu HI 12.8 mi
11 Pearl Harbor Honolulu HI 13.6 mi
12 Mililani Mililani HI 17.1 mi
13 La'ie La'ie HI 17.9 mi
14 Wahiawa Wahiawa HI 18.3 mi
15 Ewa Side Ewa Beach HI 18.8 mi
16 Ewa Beach Ewa Beach HI 18.8 mi
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