Kaimuki Middle School

Honolulu, HI 96816

Phone: (808) 733-4800
District: Hawaii Department Of Education


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades 6-8 & ungraded

Kaimuki Middle School, located in Honolulu, Hawaii, serves grades 6-8 & ungraded in the Hawaii Department Of Education district. It is among the few public middle schools in Hawaii to receive a distinguished GreatSchools Rating of 9 out of 10.

Kaimuki Middle School is a public school in the Hawaii Department Of Education school district located in Honolulu, HI. The students are 57.1% Asian/Pacific Islander; 14.6% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; 13.4% Multiracial; 9.7% White, non-Hispanic; 4.3% Hispanic; 0.5% Black, non-Hispanic; and 0.4% Native American or Native Alaskan. 28.8% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Asian/Pacific Islander 57.1% 27.8%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 14.6% 37.4%
Multiracial 13.4% 9.2%
White, non-Hispanic 9.7% 14.3%
Hispanic 4.3% 8.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 0.5% 1.9%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.4% 0.5%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 28.8% 53.8%
English learners 14% 14%

Air Force, Officer
40-50 years old
Previously lived in: Denver, CO; Colorado Springs, CO; Hyattsville, MD; Summerville, SC; Bruecken (Pfalz), Germany; Honolulu, HI


KMS is an amazing school. We have been so fortunate to have a child attending there for the last two years. KMS is known for its high test scores, high student/parent/teacher satisfaction rates, and incredible music program. People drive from West Oahu to bring their kids to KMS; it's that good. Of the 1000 students at KMS, 600 are in the music program. KMS provides 4 levels of bands, 2 levels of orchestra, ukulele, and chorus. The students compete and are offered music study travel opportunities every year. The band directors are phenomenal and the level of instruction and performance is extremely high. Under the leadership of Hawai'i Middle School Principal of the Year, Frank Fernandes, the teachers and staff at KMS are not only teaching and mentoring, but preparing students for life in the 21st century. The school has a Sustainability Program that gives students the knowledge to make wise choices for their world. WE LOVE KMS!

  • Recommendations: Sacred Hearts Academy - private Catholic school for girls. My daughter got top-notch instruction and so many opportunities to try new things and discover who she is.
  • Website: http://www.kaimukimiddle.org/index.jsp
  • What did you like? Music program - instead of cutbacks like many schools, the program continues to grow. And as it does, test scores rise. Sustainability program - new and definitely making an impact. Students are given the opportunity to grow food in the school garden and then harvest and prepare it. They learn about how they can make choices to buy local, reduce packaging, recycle, and reuse. Teachers are using this program and incorporating math and science and language arts. Awesome! Campus - the staff that keep the campus clean and in good repair take such pride in their jobs and it shows. Leadership - Mr. Fernandes is wonderful and so supportive of new ideas from his staff. If you have an idea that will enhance learning, he will help make it happen. Security - my son has always felt safe at school. Friendliness - despite being in the minority (he is not Asian), my son has never been bullied or made to feel like an outsider. He was welcomed and treated like a local from Day One.
  • What did you dislike? It's always hard to see teachers having to dig into their pockets to pay for needed supplies. But the school offers a Wish List that allows parents and students to contribute things teachers need.
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Waena Apartments Apartment Complex Honolulu HI 5.3 mi
2 Enchanted Lake Area of Town Kailua HI 8.6 mi
3 Ka Malanai Condominium/Townhouse Kailua HI 9.3 mi
4 Aliamanu Military Reservation Neighborhood/Subdivision Honolulu HI 9.7 mi
5 Kailua/Lanikai Neighborhood/Subdivision Kailua HI 10 mi
6 Ocean Pointe Neighborhood/Subdivision Ewa Beach HI 14.6 mi
7 Ewa Beach Neighborhood/Subdivision Ewa Beach HI 14.8 mi
8 Pacific Palisades Neighborhood/Subdivision Pearl City HI 14.8 mi
9 Ewa by Gentry Neighborhood/Subdivision Ewa Beach HI 15.6 mi
10 Fairway village Condominium/Townhouse Waipahu HI 16 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Kaimuki Honolulu HI 1.2 mi
2 Diamondhead - Monserrat Ave. Honolulu HI 1.3 mi
3 Waialae Nui Ridge Honolulu HI 2 mi
4 Waikiki Honolulu HI 2.8 mi
5 Kakaako Honolulu HI 4.1 mi
6 Hawaii Kai Honolulu HI 6.3 mi
7 Waimanalo Beach Waimanalo HI 7.9 mi
8 Kaneohe Kaneohe HI 9 mi
9 Kailua Kailua HI 9.9 mi
10 Pearl Harbor Honolulu HI 10.9 mi
11 Ewa Side Ewa Beach HI 13.9 mi
12 Ewa Beach Ewa Beach HI 13.9 mi
13 Kapolei Kapolei HI 17.4 mi
14 Mililani Mililani HI 18.9 mi
15 Kaawa Area Kaawa HI 20.2 mi
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