Sacred Heart Elementary School

D'Iberville, MS 39540

Phone: (228) 392-4180


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-6 • 128 students

D'Iberville's Sacred Heart Elementary School is a private school. It is coed and Roman Catholic affiliated, serving 128 students in grades PK-6.

Sacred Heart Elementary School is a private school in the school district located in D'Iberville, MS. As of 2012, the students are 84.2% White, non-Hispanic; 10.5% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 5.3% Black, non-Hispanic.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 84.2% 46%
Asian/Pacific Islander 10.5% 1%
Black, non-Hispanic 5.3% 50%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Hispanic 3%
Native American or Native Alaskan
Multiracial 1%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 71%
English learners 1%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Arbor View Apartment Complex D'Iberville MS 0.7 mi
2 Hunter's Chase Neighborhood/Subdivision Gulfport MS 11.6 mi
3 Diamondhead Neighborhood/Subdivision Diamondhead MS 28.3 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
Base Distance
Keesler AFB 2.9 mi.
NCBC Gulfport 14.8 mi.
Aviation Training Center Mobile 42.3 mi.
Stennis Space Center 42.8 mi.
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