F.A.C.T. Day Treatment School

Jacksonville, NC 28546


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades 6-9 • 11 students

F.A.C.T. Day Treatment School is a private middle school in Jacksonville, North Carolina. It serves 11 students in grades 6-9.

F.A.C.T. Day Treatment School is a private school in the school district located in Jacksonville, NC. The principal of F.A.C.T. Day Treatment School is Becky Fields.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 50.3%
Black, non-Hispanic 25.5%
Hispanic 14.3%
Multiracial 3.7%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.7%
Native American or Native Alaskan 1.3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Country Club Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 2.5 mi
2 Carolina Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 3.5 mi
3 Carolina Forest Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 5 mi
4 WilliamsburgPlantation Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 5 mi
5 Countrywood Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 6.4 mi
6 Mallard Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 7.1 mi
7 Timber Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 8.1 mi
8 West River Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 8.3 mi
9 The Bluffs on The New River Neighborhood/Subdivision Jacksonville NC 8.4 mi
10 Trailwood Neighborhood/Subdivision Hubert NC 9 mi
11 Hall Creek - North Neighborhood/Subdivision Swansboro NC 13.8 mi
12 Deer Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Swansboro NC 14.7 mi
13 Wildflowers Neighborhood/Subdivision Richlands NC 14.8 mi
14 The Landing at Mill Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Sneads Ferry NC 14.9 mi
15 River Reach Neighborhood/Subdivision Swansboro NC 15.3 mi
16 Killis Hills Neighborhood/Subdivision Richlands NC 16.2 mi
17 Marsh Harbour Neighborhood/Subdivision Cedar Point NC 17.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Piney green Jacksonville NC 2.6 mi
2 Hubert Hubert NC 8 mi
3 Sneads Ferry Sneads Ferry NC 13.3 mi
4 Richlands Richlands NC 14.2 mi
5 Swansboro, NC Swansboro NC 14.2 mi
6 Swansboro Swansboro NC 15.4 mi
7 Downtown Swansboro Swansboro NC 15.5 mi
8 Richlands Area Beulaville NC 17.9 mi
Base Distance
New River MCAS 4.4 mi.
Camp Lejeune 6.1 mi.
Stone Bay 15 mi.
Cherry Point MCAS 29.6 mi.
Coast Guard Fort Macon 39.9 mi.
Coast Guard Wilmington 49.2 mi.
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