Sandhills Farm Life Elementary School
Carthage, NC 28327
Phone: (910) 949-2501
Fax: (910) 949-2927
District: Moore County School District
GreatSchools Rating
public • Grades K-5 • 632 students
Carthage's Sandhills Farm Life Elementary School serves grades K-5 in the Moore County School District. It is among the few public elementary schools in North Carolina to receive a distinguished GreatSchools Rating of 9 out of 10.
Sandhills Farm Life Elementary School is a public school in the Moore County School District located in Carthage, NC. The principal of Sandhills Farm Life Elementary School is Ms Nora McNeill. As of 2014, the students are 79.1% White, non-Hispanic; 7.9% Black, non-Hispanic; 5.9% Hispanic; 4.8% Multiracial; 2.1% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 0.3% Native American or Native Alaskan. 21.8% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.
Student Ethnicities
Ethnicity | School | District | State |
White, non-Hispanic | 79.1% | 65.1% | 50.3% |
Black, non-Hispanic | 7.9% | 17.5% | 25.5% |
Hispanic | 5.9% | 12% | 14.3% |
Multiracial | 4.8% | 3.1% | 3.7% |
Asian/Pacific Islander | 2.1% | 1.1% | 2.7% |
Native American or Native Alaskan | 0.3% | 1.1% | 1.3% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | — | 0.1% | 0.1% |
Student Subgroups
Subgroup | School | District | State |
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program | 21.8% | — | — |
English learners | — | 3.5% | — |
40-50 years old
Silver medal
Reviewed: September 20, 2016
I had two of my four children go through Farmlife. Farmlife has had 'growing pains' in the 10 + years that we have lived in the area, but they seem to be better adjusted to the housing boom now. While there are some great staff members there, there are also a handful that made my experience challenging at times. My experience has been that the school has become much more military friendly than it used to be.
The school does however have serious problems with lack of parking and an incredibly frustrating pick up and drop off protocol, that they seem hesitant to remedy...this made me feel they were not always welcoming when it came to parent participation.
- Recommendations: Pinehurst Elementary, Carthage Elementary
# | Name | Type | City | State | Overall Rating | Distance |
1 | Arrowhead | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Whispering Pines | NC | 1.6 mi | |
2 | Blue Farm | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Whispering Pines | NC | 2 mi | |
3 | Whispering Winds | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Whispering Pines | NC | 2.4 mi | |
4 | Princess Gate | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Whispering Pines | NC | 2.9 mi | |
5 | Queens Cove | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Whispering Pines | NC | 3 mi | |
6 | Pinehurst | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Pinehurst | NC | 7.1 mi | |
7 | Vass Southern Pines | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Vass | NC | 7.6 mi | |
8 | Woodlake | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Vass | NC | 10.7 mi | |
9 | Carolina Seasons | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Cameron | NC | 14.9 mi | |
10 | The Summit | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Sanford | NC | 20.2 mi | |
11 | Sunset Ridge | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Sanford | NC | 20.2 mi | |
12 | Forest Ridge | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Cameron | NC | 20.3 mi | |
13 | Deercoft Community and Golf Club | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Wagram | NC | 22 mi | |
14 | Scotts Mill at Treyburn | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Fayetteville | NC | 23.4 mi | |
15 | Deerfield | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Spring Lake | NC | 23.6 mi | |
16 | Anderson Creek Club | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Spring Lake | NC | 23.6 mi | |
17 | Cliffdale West | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Fayetteville | NC | 23.7 mi | |
18 | Forest Oaks | Neighborhood/Subdivision | Bunnlevel | NC | 24.2 mi |
# | Name | City | State | Overall Rating | Distance |
1 | Whispering Pines | Whispering Pines | NC | 1.6 mi | |
2 | Carthage | Carthage | NC | 5.2 mi | |
3 | Vass | Vass | NC | 6.3 mi | |
4 | Southern Pines | Southern Pines | NC | 6.8 mi | |
5 | Pinehurst | Pinehurst | NC | 7.1 mi | |
6 | West End | West End | NC | 10.1 mi | |
7 | Spring Lake | Spring Lake | NC | 24.3 mi |
Base | Distance |
Fort Liberty | 16.7 mi. |
Camp Mackall | 17.5 mi. |
Pope Field | 23.3 mi. |