Highland Christian Academy

Vass, NC 28394


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades 1-11 • 10 students

Highland Christian Academy is a private school in Vass, North Carolina. It serves 10 students in grades 1-11.

Highland Christian Academy is a private school in the school district located in Vass, NC. The principal of Highland Christian Academy is William F. Vaughn.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 50.3%
Black, non-Hispanic 25.5%
Hispanic 14.3%
Multiracial 3.7%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.7%
Native American or Native Alaskan 1.3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Queens Cove Neighborhood/Subdivision Whispering Pines NC 2.5 mi
2 Princess Gate Neighborhood/Subdivision Whispering Pines NC 2.7 mi
3 Vass Southern Pines Neighborhood/Subdivision Vass NC 3.1 mi
4 Whispering Winds Neighborhood/Subdivision Whispering Pines NC 3.2 mi
5 Arrowhead Neighborhood/Subdivision Whispering Pines NC 4.1 mi
6 Blue Farm Neighborhood/Subdivision Whispering Pines NC 4.6 mi
7 Woodlake Neighborhood/Subdivision Vass NC 7.2 mi
8 Pinehurst Neighborhood/Subdivision Pinehurst NC 8.3 mi
9 Carolina Seasons Neighborhood/Subdivision Cameron NC 13.1 mi
10 Forest Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Cameron NC 16.8 mi
11 Sunset Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Sanford NC 17.7 mi
12 The Summit Neighborhood/Subdivision Sanford NC 17.8 mi
13 Scotts Mill at Treyburn Neighborhood/Subdivision Fayetteville NC 18 mi
14 Cliffdale West Neighborhood/Subdivision Fayetteville NC 18.3 mi
15 Deercoft Community and Golf Club Neighborhood/Subdivision Wagram NC 18.7 mi
16 Deerfield Neighborhood/Subdivision Spring Lake NC 19.5 mi
17 Trappers Run Neighborhood/Subdivision Raeford NC 20 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Whispering Pines Whispering Pines NC 3.9 mi
2 Vass Vass NC 3.9 mi
3 Southern Pines Southern Pines NC 4.4 mi
4 Pinehurst Pinehurst NC 8.3 mi
5 Carthage Carthage NC 10.4 mi
6 West End West End NC 13.6 mi
7 Spring Lake Spring Lake NC 19.9 mi
8 Spring Lake by Ft Bragg Base Spring Lake NC 20.3 mi
Base Distance
Fort Liberty 11.4 mi.
Camp Mackall 15.5 mi.
Pope Field 18.9 mi.
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