Hope Elementary School

Raleigh, NC 27604

Phone: (919) 834-0941
Fax: (919) 834-9338
District: Hope Elementary Charter School District


GreatSchools Rating

charter • Grades K-5 • 112 students

Hope Elementary School, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, is a charter elementary school. Based on its state test results, it has received a GreatSchools Rating of 2 out of 10.

Hope Elementary School is a charter school in the Hope Elementary Charter School District located in Raleigh, NC. The principal of Hope Elementary School is Clarissa Fleming. As of 2014, the students are 92% Black, non-Hispanic; 7.1% Hispanic; and 0.9% White, non-Hispanic. 92% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Black, non-Hispanic 92% 92% 25.5%
Hispanic 7.1% 7.1% 14.3%
White, non-Hispanic 0.9% 0.9% 50.3%
Multiracial 3.7%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.7%
Native American or Native Alaskan 1.3%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 92%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Hedingham Neighborhood/Subdivision Raleigh NC 5.1 mi
2 Eagle Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Raleigh NC 9.1 mi
3 Winston Pointe Neighborhood/Subdivision Clayton NC 12 mi
4 Forest Oaks Neighborhood/Subdivision Bunnlevel NC 38.4 mi
5 Anderson Creek Club Neighborhood/Subdivision Spring Lake NC 39.7 mi
6 The Summit Neighborhood/Subdivision Sanford NC 40.1 mi
7 Sunset Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Sanford NC 40.5 mi
8 Ellerslie Subdivision Neighborhood/Subdivision Fayetteville NC 41.3 mi
9 Overhills Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Spring Lake NC 41.4 mi
10 Castlebrooke Neighborhood/Subdivision Linden NC 41.6 mi
11 Carolina Seasons Neighborhood/Subdivision Cameron NC 43.3 mi
12 Forest Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Cameron NC 43.8 mi
13 Kings Grant Neighborhood/Subdivision Fayetteville NC 45 mi
14 Deerfield Neighborhood/Subdivision Spring Lake NC 45.5 mi
15 Jacobs Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Goldsboro NC 46.2 mi
16 The Village Neighborhood/Subdivision Goldsboro NC 46.5 mi
17 Inverness Neighborhood/Subdivision Fayetteville NC 46.5 mi
18 Patriot Park Village Neighborhood/Subdivision Fayetteville NC 46.6 mi
19 Stonegate Apartments Apartment Complex Spring Lake NC 46.9 mi
20 Kinwood Neighborhood/Subdivision Fayetteville NC 47.2 mi
21 College Lakes Area of Town Fayetteville NC 47.8 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Princeton Princeton NC 35 mi
2 North Ramsey Road Fayetteville NC 42.9 mi
3 Spring Lake Spring Lake NC 47.1 mi
4 Spring Lake by Ft Bragg Base Spring Lake NC 47.5 mi
Base Distance
Raleigh National Guard 4.2 mi.
Pope Field 47.8 mi.
Seymour Johnson AFB 48.5 mi.
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