Cumberland Campus

Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Phone: (856) 459-1061
District: Salem County Special Services School District


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades PK-12 • 87 students

Cumberland Campus, located in Bridgeton, New Jersey, is a public school that serves grades PK-12 in the Salem County Special Services School District.

Cumberland Campus is a public school in the Salem County Special Services School District located in Bridgeton, NJ. The principal of Cumberland Campus is Mr Todd Slimm. As of 2014, the students are 39.3% Hispanic; 35.7% Black, non-Hispanic; and 25% White, non-Hispanic. 33.3% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
Hispanic 39.3% 23.3% 24.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 35.7% 39.8% 16.1%
White, non-Hispanic 25% 35.8% 48.9%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.6% 0.2%
Asian/Pacific Islander 9.3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.2%
Multiracial 0.6% 1.2%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 33.3%
English learners 0.6%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Stoney Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Dover DE 17.5 mi
2 Blue Hen Apartments Apartment Complex Dover DE 21.7 mi
3 Bicentennial Village Neighborhood/Subdivision Dover DE 22.2 mi
4 Heatherfield Neighborhood/Subdivision Dover DE 24.1 mi
5 Jonathan's Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Magnolia DE 24.1 mi
6 Tidbury Crossing Neighborhood/Subdivision Camden DE 26.5 mi
7 Robin Hill Neighborhood/Subdivision Magnolia DE 27.1 mi
8 The Reserve of Chestnut Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Magnolia DE 27.9 mi
9 Dickinson Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Frederica DE 29.8 mi
10 Weatherstone Crossing Neighborhood/Subdivision Felton DE 29.9 mi
11 Dogwood Meadows Neighborhood/Subdivision Milford DE 32.8 mi
12 Mount Laurel Neighborhood/Subdivision Mount Laurel NJ 41.7 mi
13 Medford Village Neighborhood/Subdivision Medford NJ 41.7 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Downtown Dover DE 22.5 mi
Base Distance
Dover AFB 22.6 mi.
Coast Guard Cape May 34.9 mi.
Coast Guard Philadelphia 38.3 mi.
NSA Philadelphia 46.2 mi.
Aberdeen Proving Ground 49 mi.
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