Montessori Center Of South Dayton

Dayton, OH 45420

Phone: (937) 293-8986
Fax: (937) 293-8996


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-7 • 115 students

Dayton's Montessori Center Of South Dayton is a private school. It is coed and nonsectarian, serving 115 students in grades PK-7.

Montessori Center Of South Dayton is a private school in the school district located in Dayton, OH. The principal of Montessori Center Of South Dayton is Ms. Toby C. Meixner.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 72.6%
Black, non-Hispanic 16.3%
Hispanic 4.5%
Multiracial 4.5%
Asian/Pacific Islander 1.9%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.1%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Woodman Dr and Dorothy Lane Neighborhood/Subdivision Dayton OH 0.2 mi
2 Royal Pointe Neighborhood/Subdivision Beavercreek OH 5.2 mi
3 Hickory Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Beavercreek OH 6.3 mi
4 Washington Township Neighborhood/Subdivision Dayton OH 7.5 mi
5 Forrest Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Dayton OH 8 mi
6 Bartley Creek estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Dayton OH 11.1 mi
7 Huber Heights Neighborhood/Subdivision Huber Heights OH 12.2 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
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