Quest Montessori School

Narragansett, RI 02882

Phone: (401) 783-3222
Fax: (401) 783-3229


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-8 • 110 students

Narragansett's Quest Montessori School is a private school. It is coed and nonsectarian, serving 110 students in grades PK-8.

Quest Montessori School is a private school in the school district located in Narragansett, RI. The principal of Quest Montessori School is Paul Raymond. As of 2013, the students are 86.4% White, non-Hispanic; 6.8% Asian/Pacific Islander; 4.6% Hispanic; and 2.3% Black, non-Hispanic.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 86.4% 61.5%
Asian/Pacific Islander 6.8% 2.9%
Hispanic 4.6% 23.4%
Black, non-Hispanic 2.3% 8.1%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.2%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.7%
Multiracial 3.2%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Toppa Blvd between Bliss/Kay Neighborhood/Subdivision Newport RI 7.2 mi
2 Paradise valley Neighborhood/Subdivision Middletown RI 8.8 mi
3 Slate Hill Farm Neighborhood/Subdivision Middletown RI 9.2 mi
4 The Point Neighborhood/Subdivision Portsmouth RI 14.9 mi
5 Linden Street Neighborhood/Subdivision Bristol RI 15.3 mi
6 Pawcatuck Neighborhood/Subdivision Pawcatuck CT 22 mi
7 Mystic Neighborhood/Subdivision Mystic CT 28.6 mi
8 Noank Neighborhood/Subdivision Groton CT 30.6 mi
9 Spyglass Condominiums Condominium/Townhouse Groton CT 33 mi
10 Thamesview Apartments Apartment Complex Norwich CT 33 mi
11 The Ledges Apartment Complex Groton CT 33.1 mi
12 Gales Ferry Neighborhood/Subdivision Gales Ferry CT 33.7 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Jamestown Jamestown RI 3.7 mi
2 Downtown Newport Newport RI 6.4 mi
3 Middletown Middletown RI 8.6 mi
4 Portsmouth Portsmouth RI 12.5 mi
5 Common Fence Point Portsmouth RI 15.5 mi
6 Bristol Bristol RI 15.8 mi
7 Westerly Westerly RI 21.8 mi
8 Stonington Stonington CT 26.4 mi
9 Ledyard Ledyard CT 30.2 mi
10 Lisbon Lisbon CT 30.6 mi
11 Norwich Norwich CT 33.1 mi
12 Groton Groton CT 34.5 mi
13 New London New London CT 35.5 mi
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