Thomas Sumter Academy

Rembert, SC 29128

Phone: (803) 499-3378
Fax: (803) 499-3391


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-12 • 444 students

Rembert's Thomas Sumter Academy is a private school. It is coed and Christian affiliated, serving 444 students in grades PK-12.

Thomas Sumter Academy is a private school in the school district located in Rembert, SC. As of 2012, the students are 85.5% White, non-Hispanic; 6.4% Black, non-Hispanic; 2.9% Asian/Pacific Islander; 2.4% Multiracial; 1.4% Hispanic; 0.7% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and 0.7% Native American or Native Alaskan.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 85.5% 53%
Black, non-Hispanic 6.4% 36%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.9% 1%
Multiracial 2.4% 3%
Hispanic 1.4% 7%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.7%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.7%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 57%
English learners 5%

Air Force, Officer
40-50 years old
Previously lived in: Bossier City, LA, Fort Walton Beach, FL; Mascoutah, IL; Portugal; Germany; Sumter, SC


Thomas Sumter Academy (TSA) is one of your private school options if you are stationed at Shaw AFB. We chose to send our Sophomore son here because the options in the public high schools were not favorable (in our opinion) unless you're willing to move to the Columbia area. So far, we've been very pleased with both the academics and the athletics. This is a Christian based school and they stick to their Christian principles without being overbearing or too strict. The academics are challenging compared to what we see with our middle school kids, who are by the way in the best public middle school in the county. My rating realistically would be a score of 4.5 because there are some things we don't like, but it's not enough to warrant downgrading to 4.0. Check it out--you won't be blown away by the facilities like one of the other private schools in the county, but Thomas Sumter Academy has solid academics and caring teachers, coaches, and administrative staff that make you feel like family. Oh, and our Sophomore son is very happy at TSA!

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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Linwood plantation Neighborhood/Subdivision Dalzell SC 1.6 mi
2 Reflections Neighborhood/Subdivision Columbia SC 25.3 mi
3 Spring Valley Neighborhood/Subdivision Columbia SC 26.9 mi
4 Longcreek Plantation Area of Town Blythewood SC 28 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
Base Distance
Shaw AFB 4.2 mi.
McEntire Joint National Guard Base 20.8 mi.
Fort Jackson 27.6 mi.
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