Willow Creek Elementary School

Saginaw, TX 76131

Phone: (817) 232-2845
Fax: (817) 847-1859
District: Eagle Mt-Saginaw Independent School District


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades PK-5 • 715 students

Saginaw's Willow Creek Elementary School serves grades PK-5 in the Eagle Mt-Saginaw Independent School District. Based on its state test results, it has received a GreatSchools Rating of 3 out of 10.

Willow Creek Elementary School is a public school in the Eagle Mt-Saginaw Independent School District located in Saginaw, TX. The principal of Willow Creek Elementary School is Lacei Koffi. As of 2015, the students are 54.7% White, non-Hispanic; 37.4% Hispanic; 3.8% Black, non-Hispanic; 2.5% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 0.7% Multiracial. 41.7% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program. 16.1% of students are english learners.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 54.7% 47.1% 29.5%
Hispanic 37.4% 35.6% 51.8%
Black, non-Hispanic 3.8% 9.5% 12.7%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.5% 3.7% 3.7%
Multiracial 0.7% 3.2% 1.9%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.5% 0.4%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0% 0.1%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 41.7% 40.3% 60.1%
English learners 16.1% 8% 17.5%

Navy, Officer
30-40 years old
Bronze medal


Excellent K-5 school. Traditional calendar. YMCA provides afterschool care onsite for a reasonable price. Well organized. Many activities. Beautiful library.

  • Recommendations: Creekview Middle, Boswell High
  • Website: http://www.emsisd.com/Page/12535
  • What did you like? Our daughter was in Kindergarten and absolutely LOVED Willow Creek. Relatively new school, beautiful grounds, grass fields. Mrs. Lowrie is the sweetest and the kids love her. This school is the most organized school I have come across (coming from Southern California). Morning drop off is a breeze and safe ... several teachers are waiting in the drive up circle and they will open your door and assist your child out of the vehicle....then they safely escort them into the lunchroom where they eat breakfast or have a quiet activity. There are always several staff/volunteers monitoring the children. The school is completely enclosed which I love. There is a wonderful art program and the teacher posts their artwork online. Website is always kept up to date and parent/teacher communication is stellar. The food choices are excellent (not always the healthiest) but there is variety and it looks appetizing (especially compared to Southern California). You also have the option of having lunch with your child which you can bring them outside food and sit at designated parent tables. It truly is a wonderful school for the kindergarten age. There is also bus service which we were not used to having so that is also another nice aspect.
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Mistletoe Heights Neighborhood/Subdivision Fort Worth TX 9.1 mi
2 Ridglea North Neighborhood/Subdivision Fort Worth TX 9.9 mi
3 Aurora Vista Neighborhood/Subdivision Aurora TX 17.1 mi
4 Remington Hills at Las Colinas Apartment Complex Irving TX 21.9 mi
5 La Villita Apartment Homes Apartment Complex Irving TX 23.7 mi
6 McKamy Lake -Y Apartment Complex Lewisville TX 25.1 mi
7 St. Moritz Apartments Apartment Complex Dallas TX 31.6 mi
8 The Enclave at Prestonwood Apartment Complex Dallas TX 31.9 mi
9 Overall Rating Apartment Complex Dallas TX 33.6 mi
10 The Green in The Village Apartment Complex Dallas TX 33.8 mi
11 Plaza at Frisco Square Apartment Complex Frisco TX 35.7 mi
12 Lake Terrace Neighborhood/Subdivision Garland TX 46.2 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Saginaw Fort Worth TX 1 mi
2 West Fort Worth Fort Worth TX 11.7 mi
Base Distance
Fort Worth NAS 8.4 mi.
Exchange Service Headquarters Dallas 28.4 mi.
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