First Colonial High School

Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Phone: (757) 648-5300
Fax: (757) 496-6719
District: VA Beach City Public Schools


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades 9-12 • 2039 students

First Colonial High School, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, serves grades 9-12 in the VA Beach City Public Schools district. It has received a GreatSchools Rating of 6 out of 10, based on its performance on state standardized tests.

First Colonial High School is a public school in the VA Beach City Public Schools district located in Virginia Beach, VA. The principal of First Colonial High School is Dr. Nancy Farrell. As of 2014, the students are 64.5% White, non-Hispanic; 17.4% Black, non-Hispanic; 9% Hispanic; 6.3% Multiracial; 2.2% Asian/Pacific Islander; 0.3% Native American or Native Alaskan; and 0.3% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. 26.5% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 64.5% 51% 52.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 17.4% 24.1% 23.3%
Hispanic 9% 10.3% 13.1%
Multiracial 6.3% 8.2% 4.7%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.2% 5.7% 6.3%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.3% 0.3% 0.3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.3% 0.5% 0.1%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 26.5%
English learners 1.2%

Navy, Other
30-40 years old
Previously lived in: Hampton Roads
Silver medal


In Virginia Beach, High Schools have Academies attached to their HS. The students zoned for a specific HS go to that HS or they can test or apply to go to a different HS and be in their Academy.

Academies attached to HS are:
1) OCEANLAKES HS- Math Science Advanced Academy – students must test to get in
2) PRINCESS ANNE HS- International Baccalaureate (IB) Advanced Academy- students must test to get in
3) FIRST COLONIAL HS- Legal Studies Academy- students accepted by application
4) BAYSIDE HS- Health Science Academy- students accepted by application
5) SALEM HS- Performing Arts Academy- students accepted by application
6) TALLWOOD HS- Global Studies Academy- students accepted by application
7) LANDSTOWN HS- Technology Academy- students accepted by application

Schools without Academies are:

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Army, O-3
30-40 years old
Bronze medal


The best high school in Virginia Beach hands down. This school is top notch. The neighborhoods it pulls from are nice expensive neighborhoods. It pulls from Little Neck, First Colonial Rd and near the Oceanfront. There is a good amount of military kids here but not as many as some other high schools because the houses are more expensive.

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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Brighton on the Bay Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 0.1 mi
2 Eastwind Apartments Apartment Complex Virginia Beach VA 1.9 mi
3 North End Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.4 mi
4 Saltmeadow Bay Apartments Apartment Complex Virginia Beach VA 2.6 mi
5 Broad Bay Island Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.7 mi
6 Old Beach Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 3.2 mi
7 Cape Story By the Sea Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 3.2 mi
8 Salt Marsh Point Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 3.3 mi
9 Lands End Condominium/Townhouse Virginia Beach VA 3.5 mi
10 Sea Shell Villas Condominium/Townhouse Virginia Beach VA 3.6 mi
11 Shadowlawn Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 3.9 mi
12 Kings Grant Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 3.9 mi
13 Bay Pointe Condominium/Townhouse Virginia Beach VA 3.9 mi
14 Lynnhaven Dunes Condominium/Townhouse Virginia Beach VA 4 mi
15 Little Neck Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4.1 mi
16 Legends at the Beach Apartment Complex Virginia Beach VA 4.2 mi
17 Lincoln Military Housing Neighborhood/Subdivision virginia beach VA 4.6 mi
18 Croatan Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4.7 mi
19 Thalia Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4.9 mi
20 Ocean Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4.9 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Virginia Beach Oceanfront Virginia Beach VA 3 mi
2 Old Beach Virginia Beach VA 3 mi
3 Shore Drive Virginia Beach VA 3.5 mi
4 Rudee's Inlet Virginia Beach VA 4.1 mi
5 Ocean Park Virginia Beach VA 4.4 mi
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