St Mary Star Of The Sea School

Hampton, VA 23663

Phone: (757) 723-6358
Fax: (757) 723-6544


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-8 • 181 students

Hampton's St Mary Star Of The Sea School is a private school. It is coed and Roman Catholic affiliated, serving 181 students in grades PK-8.

St Mary Star Of The Sea School is a private school in the school district located in Hampton, VA. The principal of St Mary Star Of The Sea School is Sister Mary John. As of 2016, the students are 74% White, non-Hispanic; 16.9% Asian/Pacific Islander; 4.6% Hispanic; 3.9% Black, non-Hispanic; and 0.7% Multiracial.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 74% 52.2%
Asian/Pacific Islander 16.9% 6.3%
Hispanic 4.6% 13.1%
Black, non-Hispanic 3.9% 23.3%
Multiracial 0.7% 4.7%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.3%

Air Force
30-40 years old
Gold medal


Saint Mary Star of the Sea is close to Norfolk or JBLE (Langley/Eustis). When we attended, parents commuted from Chesapeake, also. The small classes suited us well, and the office is very military-friendly.The campus is all gated-in, and they are right on the water, where they have a living shoreline, which helps the kids study local ecology right there on campus! It is affiliated with the church on Fort Monroe, though attendance at that particular church isn't mandatory. There are girl scout/cub scout/boy scout programs affiliated with the school,and the school allows the kids to wear their scout uniform instead of the school uniform on certain days, which is nice. They even have an after school program and a summer "camp" program, which is handy when the school calendar doesn't match up with the base so the CDC camps haven't opened yet.

  • Website:
  • What did you like? Small class sizes, gated-inn campus, professional teachers who organize clubs to suit the students' interests
  • What did you dislike? Nothing
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Fox Hill- Grandview Neighborhood/Subdivision Hampton VA 4.5 mi
2 Mariners Watch Apartment Complex Norfolk VA 5.5 mi
3 Lochhaven Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 7 mi
4 Colony Point Apartments Apartment Complex Norfolk VA 7.2 mi
5 Wexford Terrace/Colony Point Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 7.3 mi
6 Wards Corner Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 7.5 mi
7 Talbot Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 8 mi
8 Courtney Trace Neighborhood/Subdivision Newport News VA 8 mi
9 Bel Aire/South Bayview Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 8.1 mi
10 Larchmont Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 8.2 mi
11 Jamestown Crescent Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 8.3 mi
12 Riverpoint Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 8.4 mi
13 Colonial Place Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 9.1 mi
14 Riverview Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 9.4 mi
15 Lafayette Shores Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 9.5 mi
16 Tabb Lakes Neighborhood/Subdivision Yorktown VA 9.5 mi
17 East Beach Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 9.5 mi
18 Pleasant Village Apartments in East Beach Apartment Complex Norfolk VA 9.6 mi
19 Winona Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 9.6 mi
20 Pleasant Village Apartments Apartment Complex Norfolk VA 9.6 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 East Bayview Norfolk VA 7 mi
2 Bayview Beach Norfolk VA 7.5 mi
3 Oceanview Norfolk VA 8.2 mi
4 Poquoson Poquoson VA 8.3 mi
5 Colonial Place Norfolk VA 9.1 mi
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