St Rita School

Alexandria, VA 22305

Phone: (703) 548-1888


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-8 • 233 students

Alexandria's St Rita School is a private school. It is coed and Roman Catholic affiliated, serving 233 students in grades PK-8.

St Rita School is a private school in the school district located in Alexandria, VA. As of 2012, the students are 49% White, non-Hispanic; 16.2% Hispanic; 14.2% Multiracial; 13.7% Black, non-Hispanic; and 6.9% Asian/Pacific Islander.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 49% 52.2%
Hispanic 16.2% 13.1%
Multiracial 14.2% 4.7%
Black, non-Hispanic 13.7% 23.3%
Asian/Pacific Islander 6.9% 6.3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.3%

Air Force
30-40 years old
Gold medal


This was a splendid change from the public schools in DC. We got our son in for testing/interview, and he was able to start the next day. The teaching staff was wonderful, and they were accepting of the military in-and-out lifestyle. Quite a few military families there, actually. You could tell the parents liked the school because the PTA hosted a luncheon for the staff every month for their 1/2 day staff in-service day (where the kids got out at noon and the teachers stayed for training). Nice campus, right by the church. The music program starts young, offering lessons during school time (for which they get out of other classes). Ours began the strings program in grade 2, but I think it's limited to slightly older kids now.

Classic Catholic education and not just for religion: diagramming sentences, cursive handwriting, etc.

There was a sports program, including the priest starting up a boxing club, but ours was too young while we were there. We did the fundraising walks on weekends, though.

*The bus from JBAB goes here and back, which is a plus since the school is in VA, across the bridge, and they take into account the half days and all. Very well-organized on the part of the youth center!

  • Website:
  • What did you like? Great academics combined with a lovely Catholic background. The mix of nuns and lay teachers worked well, and being on location with the church meant the priest could pop by and be around.
  • What did you dislike? Really just the uniforms. That St Rita green is unique, so there's only one tiny shop in VA that sells their uniforms.
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Beverly Hills Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 0.3 mi
2 Reserve at Potomac Yard Apartment Complex Alexandria VA 0.5 mi
3 Twenty400 Apartment Complex Arlington VA 1.1 mi
4 Shirlington Neighborhood/Subdivision Arlington VA 1.3 mi
5 Henry Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 2 mi
6 Rivergate Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 2.2 mi
7 Midtown Alexandria Station Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 3 mi
8 Fords Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 3.2 mi
9 Burgundy Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 3.2 mi
10 Cameron Station Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 4 mi
11 The VIO Neighborhood/Subdivision Washington SW DC 4.2 mi
12 Wilton Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 4.4 mi
13 Belle View Condominium/Townhouse Alexandria VA 4.4 mi
14 Leeway Overlee - N Arlington Neighborhood/Subdivision Arlington VA 5.2 mi
15 Hollin Hills Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 5.4 mi
16 Huntley Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 5.8 mi
17 Grove at Huntley Meadow Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria VA 6 mi
18 Hayfield Farms Neighborhood/Subdivision Alexandria/Kingstowne VA 6.1 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Pentagon City Arlington VA 1.2 mi
2 Old Town Alexandria Alexandria VA 2.2 mi
3 Washington DC Washington D.C. DC 4.5 mi
4 National Harbor Fort Washington MD 4.5 mi
5 Capitol Hill Washington DC 4.8 mi
6 Georgetown Washington DC 5 mi
7 Arlington Arlington VA 5.8 mi
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