Nansemond-Suffolk Academy

Suffolk, VA 23434

Phone: (757) 539-8789


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-12 • 797 students

Suffolk's Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is a private school. It is coed and nonsectarian, serving 797 students in grades PK-12.

Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is a private school in the school district located in Suffolk, VA. As of 2012, the students are 88% White, non-Hispanic; 5% Asian/Pacific Islander; 3.6% Black, non-Hispanic; 1.7% Multiracial; 1.3% Hispanic; and 0.4% Native American or Native Alaskan.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 88% 52.2%
Asian/Pacific Islander 5% 6.3%
Black, non-Hispanic 3.6% 23.3%
Multiracial 1.7% 4.7%
Hispanic 1.3% 13.1%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.4% 0.3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%

Navy, Officer
50-60 years old
Previously lived in: Moffett Field, Barbers Point, Monterey PGS, Newport RI, Dahlgren


K-12 Private School that is totally worth the investment! VERY military friendly and incorporate family and student support to military students and veterans.
My kids have attended for 7 years (yep, Geo-Bachelor and extended orders).
My oldest graduated and with the support of NSA, garnered a full ROTC scholarship to UVA.
He was one of 3 other classmates out of a graduating class of 74 students to receive ROTC scholarship! That's a pretty impressive ratio.
The school is reaching out continually to ask military families what they need to help support the student when mom or dad is deployed. Teachers stay on top of the student to offer that "extra support" that our kids need.
This school is NOT near as far out as you folks might think! Home prices and COLA are
less in this area, so making the $$ commitment to a private school is worth it!

  • Recommendations: Nansemond Shores Elementary Willams School Christopher Academy St. Andrews
  • Website:
  • What did you like? VERY military friendly and incorporate family and student support to military students and veterans. The school is reaching out continually to ask military families what they need to help support the student when mom or dad is deployed.
  • What did you dislike? Tuition! But, COLA in Suffolk, Portsmouth, Western Chesapeake or considerably less.
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Navy, Officer
40-50 years old
Previously lived in: Memphis, Alexandria, Bremerton, Montgomery, Yokosuka, San Diego, Monterey, Newpot


NSA is a small, independent PK-12 school located near downtown Suffolk. We chose to send our children there after researching public/private schools in Hampton Roads. The atmosphere at NSA is warm and welcoming and they love their military families! Class sizes are small and the teachers really get to know the students and their families. The curriculum is academically rigorous and is not driven by any state-required testing! Students actually learn to think critically and not just regurgitate facts for a test.

  • Recommendations: Northern Shores Elementary. Driver Elementary. Isle of Wight Academy. Christopher Academy.
  • Website:
  • What did you like? I am so impressed by the creativity and energy of the NSA teachers. These teachers KNOW my children and how they learn. The atmosphere is caring and supportive but not coddling. These students work and earn their grades. The administration is top-notch. I know I can pick up the phone and talk to a person who will know who I am and be able to answer any question I ask. We spent our first year in H. Roads with our children in the gifted program in a top public school. While that school was good, NSA is great and we really can't even compare the two experiences. When we were due for orders last year, we opted to take a less desirable set of orders in Hampton Roads rather than move our children from the area so that they can finish their school career at NSA.
  • What did you dislike? The distance from where we live. NSA is located in a semi-rural area of Suffolk. They do have bus service so I do not have to make the 30 minute drive twice a day to get my children to school but for after hours activities, the drive can get tedious.
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Regency Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 5.4 mi
2 Steeplechase Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 9.9 mi
3 Jolliff Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 10 mi
4 Western Branch Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 11.3 mi
5 Dock Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 11.5 mi
6 Merrimac Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 11.7 mi
7 Wellington Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 11.8 mi
8 Riverfront at Harbour View Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 12 mi
9 Residences at Hampton Roads Crossing Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 13.2 mi
10 Eagle Harbor Neighborhood/Subdivision Carrollton VA 13.6 mi
11 Burbage Grant Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 13.8 mi
12 Long Point Neighborhood/Subdivision Portsmouth VA 14.4 mi
13 Elmwood Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 14.9 mi
14 Deep Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 15.2 mi
15 Sawyers Mill Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 15.6 mi
16 First Watch at River Pointe Condominium/Townhouse Portsmouth VA 16 mi
17 Park View Neighborhood/Subdivision Portsmouth VA 17.8 mi
18 West Ghent Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 18.7 mi
19 Ghent Neighborhood/Subdivision Norfolk VA 18.7 mi
20 Island Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 18.8 mi
21 Dominion Lakes Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 18.9 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Western Branch Chesapeake VA 10.1 mi
2 Harbour View Area Suffolk VA 12.1 mi
3 Carrollton Carrollton VA 12.3 mi
4 Smithfield Smithfield VA 14.4 mi
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