New Castle Elementary School

Virginia Beach, VA 23456

Phone: (757) 648-3080
Fax: (757) 430-8977
District: VA Beach City Public Schools


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades PK-5 • 776 students

Virginia Beach's New Castle Elementary School serves grades PK-5 in the VA Beach City Public Schools district. It is among the few public schools in Virginia to receive a distinguished GreatSchools Rating of 8 out of 10.

New Castle Elementary School is a public school in the VA Beach City Public Schools district located in Virginia Beach, VA. The principal of New Castle Elementary School is Dr. Lesley Hughes. As of 2014, the students are 53.5% White, non-Hispanic; 13.5% Black, non-Hispanic; 13.5% Asian/Pacific Islander; 9.8% Multiracial; 8.6% Hispanic; 0.9% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and 0.1% Native American or Native Alaskan. 16.2% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 53.5% 51% 52.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 13.5% 24.1% 23.3%
Asian/Pacific Islander 13.5% 5.7% 6.3%
Multiracial 9.8% 8.2% 4.7%
Hispanic 8.6% 10.3% 13.1%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.9% 0.5% 0.1%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.1% 0.3% 0.3%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 16.2%
English learners 1.2%

Marine Corps, Enlisted
30-40 years old
Previously lived in: San Diego and Jacksonville
Bronze medal


We moved here mid year and the teachers and staff are equipped for military kids! They have programs for deployed parents as well.very clean school with a staff who truly wants to be there! I wish we never would have to leave this school!

  • Recommendations: New castle and landstown middle
  • What did you like? Amazing staff prepared for military kids
  • What did you dislike? I love everything
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Navy, Officer
30-40 years old
Bronze medal


Excellent school! Lots of parent volunteers and very military friendly. Kids with a deployed family member can participate in a Letters to Sea program.

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20-30 years old
Previously lived in: Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Groton
Silver medal


This is a great elementary school. I highly recommend it. There are a lot of military kids here and the staff is great. This school's district is for neighborhoods off Indian River like Indian River Farms, Hillcrest Farms.

  • Recommendations: Elementary: New Castle Elementary Princess Ann Elementary Red Mill Elementary Thoroughgood (elementary school) Middle- Princess Anne Middle school Salem Middle Glenwood Elementary High School- Salem High Landstown High Kellem high Cox First Colonial Suffolk- Northern Shores Elementary (outside burbage grant) Chesapeake- Great Bridge Schools Butts Road school
  • Website:
  • What did you like? Great school for military kids.
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Rock Creek Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 1 mi
2 Hillcrest Farms Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 1.3 mi
3 Indian River Farms Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 1.5 mi
4 Glenwood Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 1.7 mi
5 Landstown Meadows Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.2 mi
6 Bernard Farms Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.2 mi
7 Salem Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.4 mi
8 Midwa Manor Military Community Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.4 mi
9 Christopher Farms Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.7 mi
10 Courthouse Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.8 mi
11 Lexington Park Area Condominium/Townhouse Virginia Beach VA 2.8 mi
12 Towne Square Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 2.8 mi
13 Brigadoon Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 3.5 mi
14 Castleton Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 3.7 mi
15 Lake Christopher Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4 mi
16 Kempsville Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4 mi
17 Princess Anne Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4.1 mi
18 Windsor Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4.2 mi
19 Lark Downs Neighborhood/Subdivision Virginia Beach VA 4.2 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Amphitheater Virginia Beach VA 0.5 mi
2 Cromwell park Virginia Beach VA 0.6 mi
3 Virginia Beach Farmers Market Virginia Beach VA 1.3 mi
4 Landstown shopping center Virginia Beach VA 1.5 mi
5 Ferrell Parkway Virginia Beach VA 2.6 mi
6 Kempsville Virginia Beach VA 4.1 mi
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