Smithfield Middle School

Smithfield, VA 23430

Phone: (757) 365-4100
District: Isle Of Wight County Public Schools


GreatSchools Rating

public • Grades 7-8 • 603 students

Smithfield Middle School serves grades 7-8 in the Isle Of Wight County Public Schools district. It is among the few public middle schools in Virginia to receive a distinguished GreatSchools Rating of 8 out of 10.

Smithfield Middle School is a public school in the Isle Of Wight County Public Schools district located in Smithfield, VA. The principal of Smithfield Middle School is Mr. Jeffrey Mordica. As of 2014, the students are 58.5% White, non-Hispanic; 33.3% Black, non-Hispanic; 4.3% Multiracial; 2.8% Hispanic; 0.7% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 0.3% Native American or Native Alaskan. 33.7% of students are participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 58.5% 63.4% 52.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 33.3% 27.5% 23.3%
Multiracial 4.3% 4.4% 4.7%
Hispanic 2.8% 3% 13.1%
Asian/Pacific Islander 0.7% 1.2% 6.3%
Native American or Native Alaskan 0.3% 0.3% 0.3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1% 0.1%

Student Subgroups

Subgroup School District State
Students participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program 33.7%
English learners 0.5%

Navy, Officer
30-40 years old
Previously lived in: Silverdale WA, Poulsbo WA, Charleston SC, San Diego CA
Bronze medal


Smithfield Middle School is a beautiful newer school. Our son has an IEP and had the most wonderful case manager! He has made lots of good friends here and is doing fabulous. I love all of his teachers. He's a 12 year old boy that never crumbles about going yo school!

  • Recommendations: Any school in Isle of Wight! This is the place to live if you want to be away from the congestion and have a more "small town" feel.
  • Website:
  • What did you like? Small town feel. Great staff!!
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# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Eagle Harbor Neighborhood/Subdivision Carrollton VA 3.6 mi
2 Riverfront at Harbour View Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 9.4 mi
3 Steeplechase Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 9.8 mi
4 Residences at Hampton Roads Crossing Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 11 mi
5 Burbage Grant Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 11.1 mi
6 Merrimac Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 11.1 mi
7 Courtney Trace Neighborhood/Subdivision Newport News VA 11.3 mi
8 Wellington Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 11.4 mi
9 Long Point Neighborhood/Subdivision Portsmouth VA 11.7 mi
10 Shore Park Neighborhood/Subdivision Newport News VA 11.7 mi
11 Regency Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Suffolk VA 12.1 mi
12 Carriage Hills Neighborhood/Subdivision Newport News VA 12.6 mi
13 Jolliff Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 13 mi
14 Brick Kiln Apartment Complex Newport News VA 13.7 mi
15 Western Branch Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 13.8 mi
16 Tabb Lakes Neighborhood/Subdivision Yorktown VA 13.8 mi
17 Stoneybrook Estates Neighborhood/Subdivision Newport News VA 13.9 mi
18 Dock Landing Neighborhood/Subdivision Chesapeake VA 14.5 mi
19 First Watch at River Pointe Condominium/Townhouse Portsmouth VA 14.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Carrollton Carrollton VA 2.2 mi
2 Smithfield Smithfield VA 3.2 mi
3 Harbour View Area Suffolk VA 9.3 mi
4 Western Branch Chesapeake VA 13 mi
5 Fort Eustis Newport News VA 14.4 mi
6 Tabb Tabb VA 14.6 mi
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