Peace Lutheran School

Bremerton, WA 98310

Phone: (360) 373-2116


GreatSchools Rating

private • Grades PK-8 • 196 students

Bremerton's Peace Lutheran School is a private school. It is coed and Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) affiliated, serving 196 students in grades PK-8.

Peace Lutheran School is a private school in the school district located in Bremerton, WA. The principal of Peace Lutheran School is Doug Eisele. As of 2013, the students are 73.9% White, non-Hispanic; 11.5% Asian/Pacific Islander; 7.3% Black, non-Hispanic; 6.1% Hispanic; and 1.2% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Student Ethnicities

Ethnicity School District State
White, non-Hispanic 73.9% 58.2%
Asian/Pacific Islander 11.5% 7.2%
Black, non-Hispanic 7.3% 4.5%
Hispanic 6.1% 21.1%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1.2% 1%
Native American or Native Alaskan 1.4%
Multiracial 6.7%
# Name Type City State Overall Rating Distance
1 Blueberry Meadows Neighborhood/Subdivision Bremerton WA 0.7 mi
2 Manette Neighborhood/Subdivision Bremerton WA 2.7 mi
3 Fairway Lane Apartment Complex Bremerton WA 3.4 mi
4 The Reserve at Bucklin Hill Apartment Complex Silverdale WA 3.6 mi
5 Kitsap Lake Neighborhood/Subdivision Bremerton WA 3.8 mi
6 Whisper Ridge Neighborhood/Subdivision Bremerton WA 4.8 mi
7 The Ridge at McCormick Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Port Orchard WA 7.1 mi
8 McCormick Woods Neighborhood/Subdivision Port Orchard WA 7.7 mi
9 Meredith Heights Neighborhood/Subdivision Poulsbo WA 8.3 mi
10 Caldart Cottages Neighborhood/Subdivision Poulsbo WA 9 mi
11 Woods and Meadows Neighborhood/Subdivision Poulsbo WA 11.7 mi
12 North End Neighborhood/Subdivision Tacoma WA 24.4 mi
13 Stadium District Neighborhood/Subdivision Tacoma WA 25 mi
14 westridge apartments Apartment Complex Tacoma WA 25.6 mi
15 The Carriages at Fairwood Downs Apartment Complex Renton WA 25.7 mi
16 Mukilteo Neighborhood/Subdivision Mukilteo WA 27.5 mi
# Name City State Overall Rating Distance
1 East Bremerton Bremerton WA 1.9 mi
2 Silverdale Silverdale WA 3.9 mi
3 Port Orchard Port Orchard WA 4.6 mi
4 Ridgetop Silverdale WA 4.9 mi
5 Bainbridge Island Bainbridge Island WA 5.5 mi
6 Naval Base Kitsap Poulsbo WA 7.3 mi
7 Poulsbo Poulsbo WA 8.9 mi
8 Lakeness Meadows/ Vinland Area Poulsbo WA 11.7 mi
9 Downtown Seattle Seattle WA 14.1 mi
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